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Engedélyezett képzéseink listája itt található.
Master AWS security services and security practices that enhance data and systems security. The 24 hours Security Engineering on AWS...
Leverage this 10-day (4 hours each) program to get an immersive experience of architecting on AWS. You will learn the...
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course is 16 hours fundamental-level course for individuals who are looking to get an overall understanding...
AWS is the leading provider for cloud computing. Cloud computing has made apps more capable and easily scalable. Learning how...
This 24 hours „Developing on AWS” course is a transformative learning experience designed to empower you with the skills needed...
In this two-day English languauge SASM training, you will be equipped with all the actionable tools and skills to build...
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative...
The PSM-A™ is an advanced course helping students to understand the stances that characterize an effective Scrum Master and servant-leader...
Want to improve your facilitation abilities as a Scrum Master to better facilitate conversations between the product owner, development team,...
Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.