+36 1 799 5500
R is one of the leading statistical programming languages used by statisticians and data scientists. Part of the reason for...
This advanced Scala course will help you master the concepts needed to fully leverage the Scala tool and develop powerful...
The course will enhance your capabilities and confidence level while writing complex codes. It will boost your programming skills and...
Java is a program that every programmer needs to learn. Not only is it among the most popular languages due...
Swift is an open source and intuitive programming language developed in the labs of Apple that enables building apps for...
Groovy, the powerful and dynamic object-oriented scripting programming language, with static compilation and static typing capabilities for Java platform tops...
ASP.NET MVC combines the ingenuity of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) with the features and flexibility of the ASP.NET platform. Developers can...
You have already learnt Python basics. It’s now time to master the advanced features of Python and leverage this language...
This Spring training course enables you to concentrate on code development, by leveraging the Spring MVC framework that handles all...
Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.