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DB2 10.5 for LUW Advanced Database Administration with DB2 BLU Acceleration

Időtartam: 5 nap.

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660000Ft + ÁFA

660000 Ft + ÁFA

This is an advanced course for DB2 LUW experienced database administrators who support DB2 for UNIX, Windows, and Linux databases.


  • Monitor a DB2 LUW database using command line processor queries
  • Implement DB2 BLU Acceleration, column-organized table support, for a new or existing DB2 database.
  • Configure a DB2 database that uses DB2 BLU Acceleration, column-organized tables, including sort memory and utility heap memory considerations
  • Describe the default workload management used for DB2 BLU Acceleration processing and how you can tailor the WLM objects to efficiently use system resources
  • Implement DB2 Instance audit data collection using the db2audit command or database level auditing by creating audit policy objects and assigning the policies to objects using the AUDIT command.
  • Analyze REORGCHK reports to determine if the table or the index reorganization would improve database efficiency. Invoke and monitor the processing for the REORG utility running offline or online
  • Manage the disk space allocated in DMS table spaces using ALTER TABLESPACE to extend or to reduce the containers, and monitor the progress of the DB2 rebalancer process
  • Implement automatic resize for DMS table spaces or Automatic Storage management for table spaces to reduce the complexity of managing DB2 LUW databases
  • Describe the conditions that would impact selection of the INGEST utility rather than using LOAD
  • Set the options for the INGEST utility and monitor ingest processing
  • Plan and execute the DB2MOVE utility to copy selected table data for an entire schema for objects from one DB2 database to another
  • Implement an optimization profile to control a portion of the access plan selected by the DB2 Optimizer to achieve specific application performance results
  • Select options and processing modes for the online table move procedure, ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE, to implement changes to tables with minimal loss of data access by applications
  • Plan and implement MDC tables to improve application performance, including selecting the appropriate table space extent size
  • Utilize range-based partitioned tables to support large DB2 tables that require very efficient roll-in and roll-out capabilities


Key topics

  • Advanced Monitoring
  • Advanced Table Space Management
  • DB2 10.5 BLU Acceleration Concepts
  • DB2 10.5 BLU Acceleration Implementation and Use
  • Using Optimizer Profiles to control Access Plans
  • Table Partitioning
  • Advanced Data Movement
  • Advanced Table Reorganization
  • Multiple Dimension Clustering
  • DB2 Database Auditing

Day 1
(00:20) Welcome
(02:00) Unit 1: Advanced Monitoring
(01:00) Exercise 1: DB2 Advanced Monitoring with SQL
(02:00) Unit 2: Advanced Table Space Management
(01:00) Exercise 2: DB2 Advanced DMS Table Space Management

Day 2
(01:30) Unit 3: DB2 10.5 BLU Acceleration Concepts
(01:30) Unit 4: DB2 10.5 BLU Acceleration Implementation and Use
(01:00) Exercise 3:Using DB2 BLU Acceleration to improve performance for analytics query processing.
(01:15) Unit 5: DB2 10.5 BLU Acceleration Implementing Shadow Tables and User Maintained MQTs
(01:00) Exercise 4:Implement Shadow Tables and User Maintained Materialized Query Tables

Day 3
(02:30) Unit 6: Using Optimizer Profiles to control Access Plans
(01:00) Exercise 5: Using Optimizer Profiles to control Access Plans
(02:30) Unit 7: Table Partitioning
(01:30) Exercise 6: Range-partitioned Tables

Day 4
(02:30) Unit 8: Advanced Table Reorganization
(01:15) Exercise 7: Advanced Table Reorganization
(02:00) Unit 9: Multiple Dimension Clustering
(01:00) Exercise 8: DB2 Multidimensional Clustering

Day 5
(02:30) Unit 10: Advanced Data Movement
(01:15) Exercise 8: DB2 Advanced Data Movement
(01:00) Unit 11: DB2 Database Auditing
(01:00) Exercise 9: DB2 Database Audit implementation


You should have completed:

  • DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for Linux and Windows (CL2X3) or
  • DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for AIX (CL213) or
  • DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs (CL484)

Or have equivalent experience.

Előfeltétel tanfolyamok:

DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for Linux and Windows, DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration of AIX

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Apple IT Excellence Series

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