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Események betöltése

Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks

Időtartam: 5 nap.

aug. 25. - aug. 29.

790000Ft + ÁFA

790000 Ft + ÁFA

790000 Ft + ÁFA

In this training, participants will learn how to secure data that goes through a network infrastructure by implementing a VPN solution built on Cisco products. Participants will gain experience in configuring site-to-site and Remote-Access VPN on ASA 5500X and Cisco IOS routers. The training includes new configuration trends such as FlexVPN, DMVPN, GETVPN, VTI on IOS routers, and configuration of SSL VPN and Dynamic Access Policy (DAP) on Cisco ASA devices. Participants will be able to secure communication in data networks and set up a detailed policy for Site-to-site and Remote Access access. The SVPN course is part of the CCNP Security certification.



” Description of various VPN technologies and reasons for their deployment. Used encryption algorithms and protocols. ” Implement and troubleshoot Cisco site-to-site VPN solutions. ” Cisco FlexVPN implementation: IPsec point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, and spoke-to-spoke. ” Implementation of DMVPN ” Implementation of GETVPN ” Implement Cisco clientless SSL VPNs. ” Implement Cisco AnyConnect SSL and IPsec VPNs. ” Implement remote access security with Dynamic Access Policies (DAP).


Familiarity with Ethernet and TCP/IP networking, working knowledge of the Windows operating system, working knowledge of Cisco IOS networking and concepts. Basic knowledge of Cisco ASA configuration.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

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