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Web Development with Python and Django

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737590Ft + ÁFA

737590 Ft + ÁFA

As a developer, choosing the right framework for web development is crucial for a top notch website. Using the powerful, simple, and flexible Python-based Django framework, one can develop robust web solutions with just a few lines of code.
Django has emerged as a prominent framework that is loaded with features. It is a server-side web framework that is written in Python and helps the developers in creating web apps quickly and efficiently.  Out of all the modern day programming languages, Python and Django are preferred the most by the developers due to their robust programming structure.
Python is readable, efficient and easy to learn as its syntax follows the pseudo code and Django is a powerful framework that makes web app development easier. It provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that need content administration, file uploads, user authentication and more.

Python and Django enable developers to create customized web applications without writing additional code, and the maintenance is easy too. Individuals and organizations alike can avail numerous benefits.

Individual benefits

  • Equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills in Python as well as Django can push your career to far greater heights as these skills are highly sought after in the job market.
  • You can work as a developer, data engineer or even in the Quality Assurance team with your newly acquired knowledge.
  • The average annual salary is around $116,433 per year and is on the rise.
  • With your newly acquired expertise, you can seek a career in data mining, big data platforms and automation as well.

Organizational benefits

  • When working in the technology-oriented industry, it makes sense to adopt the latest and the best, and that’s what Python and Django are in web development.
  • It’s powerful, fast, compatible with other programming languages and works equally well on any operating system.
  • Both of them are open source frameworks that have tremendous strong community support.
  • The Python and Django web development course in KnowledgeHut will teach you all that you need to know to develop web applications from start to finish as quickly as possible.

What you will learn

  • Introduction to Python
    Learn the basics of Python including Variables, Functions, Selection & Looping statements
  • Classes and objects
    Learn various object-oriented constructs like composition, inheritance, and abstract classes
  • Modules & Packages
    Understand how to use the built-in modules and packages available in the Python library
  • Exception handling
    Learn to handle exceptions in Python & build your custom exceptions and use them in Python programs
  • Data Structures
    Use the various data structures like list, tuple, set, dict provided at the language level
  • Introduction to Django
    Know the basics of Django and learn how to install the Django framework and its dependencies
  • TemplatesLearn how to use the Django templates that represent the HTML GUI that the client can view
  • Model layer
    Learn more about Django models, model relationships, querying models & connecting to MySQL database
  • Django Admin
    Know how to reuse your first built-in Django app and learn to customize the Django admin app
  • Routing in Django
    Learn to build REST web services and mapping web URLs with view functions & perform complex routing
  • Django Sessions
    Learn to use the built-in HTTP session object parameters to control the session behaviors/patterns
  • Django Forms
    Understand the process of building, handling, submitting & validating HTML forms in the Django way

Who should attend

  • Those who want to master Python programming
  • Those wanting to use Python to build dynamic, database driven web applications

On completing this course, you will be well versed in building software using the Python programming language, best practices in writing Pythonic code, and using Django framework to build dynamic, database driven web applications.

We provide the course in English.



1 Installation and Introduction to Python

  • Install Python. Latest 3.x version of python
  • Launch the Python interpreter
  • Write basic commands on the interpreter
  • Tour of the Python language documentation

2 Variables

  • Defining variables
  • Dynamic typing
  • Data types
  • Scope of variables
  • Single line, multiple variable creation

3 Functions

  • Defining function
  • Calling function
  • Default arguments
  • Calling function with keyword arguments
  • Built in functions
  • Positional arguments packing and unpacking
  • Keyword arguments packing and unpacking
  • Lambda functions

4 Selection & Looping statements

  • If, if-elif-else branching statements
  • ‘If’ comprehensions
  • Looping using ‘while’
  • Python way of looping using ‘for’
  • ‘For’ comprehensions

5 Object oriented programming

  • Classes and objects
  • __init__ function
  • Object attributes and class attributes
  • Object methods and class methods
  • Composition
  • Inheritance
  • Abstract classes

6 Modules & Packages

  • Creating modules
  • Importing from modules
  • Importing using aliases
  • Organizing modules in packages
  • Importing from packages
  • Built in modules in Python

7 Exception handling

  • Flow of a program when an exception is raised
  • Handling exception using try-except
  • Building custom exceptions and raising them
  • try-except-else
  • Using the finally block

8 Collections

  • List data type
  • List slicing and indexing
  • For comprehensions on list for mapping and filtering operations
  • Various operations that can be performed on the list object
  • Tuple data type and how is it different from the list data type
  • When to use tuple and when to use a list
  • Tuple slicing and indexing
  • For comprehensions on tuples
  • Set data type
  • Applications of the set data type
  • Mathematical set operations like union, intersection; on set data types
  • Conversion between various data structures using built in functions
  • Dict data type
  • When can  a dict data structure be helpful
  • Various operations that can be performed on the dict object
  • For comprehensions on dict objects

9 Introduction to Django

  • Installation using pip
  • Creating a virtual environment for better dependency management
  • Django admin command to create a new project
  • Understanding the project structure of a newly created Django project

10 Routing

  • Understanding urls.py and the purpose of it
  • Creating urls with names and namespaces
  • Building dynamic urls
  • Mapping of the urls with the view functions
  • Linking the urls of an app in a project with the the root app of the project using ‘include’

11 Templates

  • Need for templates
  • Django convention of storing templates
  • Using conditionals and looping in django templates
  • Django convention of storing the static assets like images, css and javascript; and referencing them from the template
  • Templates ‘static’ and ‘url’ helpers
  • Building master layouts and inheriting from it using ‘block’, ‘extends’
  • Rendering templates from view functions using ‘render’ and passing context data to it

12 Model Layer

  • What is ORM ?
  • Benefits of ORM
  • Connecting a django project to a database
  • Django migrations
  • Visualize business data as django models
  • Django model Field and field types
  • Relationship between django models – One to One, Many to One, Many to Many
  • Saving, updating, deleting, and querying django models
  • Writing raw SQL queries for the django models

13 Django Admin

  • Creating superusers for accessing the backend admin app
  • Registering custom django models with the admin site
  • Customizing admin rendering of django models using ModelAdmin, StackedInline, TabularInline
  • Customizing Django admin templates look and feel

14 Session Management

  • HTTP as a stateless protocol
  • Django session management built in app
  • Concept of session management and how it internally uses cookies and session id
  • Storing attributes in a session and retrieving from the same session
  • Destroying a session using ‘flush’

15 Django Forms

  • The Django Form class
  • Rendering django forms as html
  • Built in fields and built in widgets
  • Validating django forms
  • Building forms for django models
  • Handling File uploads

16 Other built in django apps and web development concerns

  • Authentication system
  • Messages framework
  • Emailing system
  • Internationalization

17 Security in django apps

  • Cross site request forgery protection
  • Cryptographic signing

18 REST Web Services

  • Web Services and REST
  • JSON as the format of data exchange
  • Django REST framework



Participants planning to attend this course should have a basic knowledge of programming.
However, it would be an added advantage for you to have some knowledge of databases and SQL.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.