1 RPA Concepts
Learning Objectives:
What is Robotic Process Automation
Natural Language Processing and RPA
How Robotic Process Automation Works!
Why to Automate repetitive Tasks/Process
RPA Solution Architecture Patterns – Key Considerations
Input Data Handling Solution Pattern
Exception Handling
Transaction Logging
Credential Management
Secure Execution
RPA Planning, Monitoring and Reporting
List of Robotic Process Automation Tools
Robotic Process Automation Tool Selection Checklist
RPA Best Practices
RPA Life Cycle
Time Frame of RPA Process
Identification of RPA Areas
Concept of ROI (Return on Investment)
Hands-on Description:
Rename All Files In A Folder
Task Description
Loop through all the files in the selected folder and rename files with .xls extension by prefixing it with today’s date.
2 Automation Anywhere Control Room
Learning Objectives:
Control Room Dashboard
User Management (Creation of User for Automation Anywhere Client)
Scheduling Bots in Control Room
Trigger Bots in Control Room
Creation of Hot Key
Credential Management
User Rights for AA Client
License Management
Disaster Management in Automation Anywhere.
Hands-on Description:
a) Scrape Tabular Data From Web
Scrape the tabular data from the web and transfer it to your own application.
b) Transfer Data From Excel To Any Application
Transfer data from Excel to any application. Pre-requisites: Before you run this task, your Excel file and the destination application, both should be open.
c) Transfer Data From Access To Excel Using Excel Integration
Transfers product data from Access to Excel using Excel Integration.
3 Automation Anywhere Metabots
Learning Objectives:
Creation of Metabots
Use of DLL in Metabots
UI Automation with Metabots
Variables in Metabots
Hands-on Description:
Using Application Integration To Integrate Terminal Emulator Program
Often businesses need to get data from application windows that have no way of getting data. For such cases, Automation Anywhere features App Integration. This task checks if a user has logged in successfully to a FTP server using Putty. It captures data from Putty application window and checks for the string logged in to ensure the user is logged in successfully.
4 Automation Anywhere Client
Learning Objectives:
Creation & Usage of User defined variables
Usage of system defined variables
WorkFlow of RPA Process
Creation of WorkFlow
Execution of WorkFlow
Validation of WorkFlow
Usage of Repository
Report Generation of bots
Scheduler Manager in AA Client
Trigger Manager in AA Client
Hot Keys in AA Client
Notification and Speed of Task Bots
Exception/Error Handling in Bots
Automation of Database Process
Logs Handling in Bots
Email Automation Process
FTP/SFTP Automation
Image Recognition Command
WebRecorder Command
Fetching Regular Based Data
Fetching Pattern Based Data
Object Cloning
MS – Excel Automation Commands
Static and Dynamic Delays in Automation Anywhere
Files & Folder Automation Commands
Loop Implementation in Automation Process For
Excel Dataset
Internet Explorer Table
SQL Query Dataset
XML Dataset
CSV File Dataset
Variable Operation Commands
String Operation Commands
Execution of Sub Task in Main Bots
Screen & Visualize Capture Command
Automation of Web Services & Rest Web Service
Mouse and Keyboard action automation
User Input Automation Command
XML Automation Process
Debugging of Task Bots
Security Implementation through Automation Process
PDF Automation Process
Automation of Windows Controls
Web Browser Activities Automation
Hands-on Description:
a) Using OCR To Integrate With Command Line FTP
Web and Desktop applications are filled with images that need to be converted to a readable text for certain actions to be performed. OCR technology is used to do just that. The task below logs into FTP server via DOS and waits to check if logged in successfully. It uses OCR technology to retrieve information from Command Prompt in to readable text to check whether login was successful.
b) Terminal Emulator Automation-Checking For Malware In Remote Machine
This task shows you how using Automation Anywhere, you can easily automate any type of Terminal Emulator. This example looks at the programs on the remote machine that are making connections with the outside world, and check if any unexpected program or malware is present in the list.
c) Test And Validate Online Shopping Cart Functionality
Online shopping cart is arguably the most important part of an E-Commerce site. Testing shopping cart is essential to the success of any E-commerce site. This task shows how you can test online shopping cart.
d) Send An Email To A List Of Contacts
Send an Email (e.g. a Marketing email or newsletter) to a list of contacts.
e) Scrape Tabular Data From Web And Transfer It To Excel
Scrape the tabular data from the web and transfer it to Excel.
f) Extract Restaurant Data From A Website
Let’s say you are in a restaurant business and you want to regularly find out all the restaurant businesses in your area.