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HBase Course with Certification

Időtartam: 6 nap

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901.590 Ft + ÁFA / Fő

A non-relational database that provides real-time read/write access to large datasets, HBase is the high-performance, distributed data store built for Apache Hadoop. HBase allows storing a massive amount of data in the form of the table consisting of numerous rows and columns. HBase is a column-oriented, data-storage model, inspired by Google Big Table.
This course brings you a detailed HBase training designed specifically for Big Data developers. The HBase online training course includes HBase, NoSQL concepts, and understanding how HBase works with HDFS.

Who Should Attend This Course

  • Students
  • Technology Enthusiasts
  • Software Professionals
  • Aspiring Big Data Professionals

What You Will Learn

  • Overview of HBase
    Understand what HBase is and why do we use it. Learn about the components and architecture of HBase.
  • NoSQL Concepts
    Get an introduction to NoSQL, along with NoSQL Databases and features Understand why we use NoSQL.
  • Data Modeling
    Understand the building blocks of HBase, along with Table and Column families. Learn how data models work.
  • HBase Clusters
    Understand the core components of HBase clusters and how reading and writing data in HBase works.
  • HBase Operations
    Understand what primary and advanced operations in HBase entail. Learn about HBase Tables and Shells.
  • HBase APIs
    Learn how the integration of Hive with HBase works, and how to process HBase data using MapReduce.

During this 24-hour course, a variety of topics will be covered with the aim of educating you on HBase tools, techniques, data models, and their importance. The following are the practical skills you’ll gain on course completion:

  • Working with HBase data models and performing related operations
  • Integrating HBase and Hive
  • Architecting on HBase using NoSQL
  • Learning how HBase works with HDFS

We provide the course in English.



Module 1: Introduction to HBase

  • What is HBase and why to use it
  • Components and Architecture of HBase
  • Difference between RDBMS and HBase
  • Introduction to HBase Tables and Shells

Module 2: NoSQL concepts

  • Introduction to NoSQL
  • Why NoSQL
  • NoSQL Databases and features

Module 3: Data Modeling in HBase

  • Building blocks of HBase
  • Table and Column families of HBase
  • Data model in HBase

Module 4: HBase Architecture

  • Core components of HBase cluster
  • Reading and Writing data in HBase
  • Compaction and Data Flushes

Module 5: Operations in HBase

  • Primary and Advanced operations in HBase
  • HBase Tables and Shells
  • CRUD operations on Tables

Module 6: HBase APIs

  • Integration of Hive with HBase
  • Processing HBase data using MapReduce
  • Load HBase Utilities

Module 7: HBase Performance Tuning

  • Column Family and Schema Design Considerations
  • Pre-Splitting Region
  • Cache Configuration



Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of the following:

  • Big Data
  • Java
  • NoSQL
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