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Cucumber Testing Certification Training

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Testers are leveraging a methodology termed as BDD or Behavior Driven Development and the Cucumber framework is a flagship tool for the same. With the back-end code in Ruby, Cucumber has become one of the most widely used frameworks leveraged for testing by professionals. If you are operating in an environment where collaboration is required from senior stakeholders, then Cucumber framework is the way to go.
Owing to its quick installation and easy set-up, it is quite simple to involve business stakeholders who find it difficult to understand the code. Learning the framework in this fast-paced business world where expectations change quite rapidly is highly useful. The flexibility of the Cucumber framework can be seen as it supports many other languages other than Ruby, like Java, Scala and Groovy. With more and more organizations moving towards an agile framework, the ability to wield Cucumber because of its collaborative nature is in high demand these days.


With most organizations adopting agile methodologies in their workflows, the Cucumber tool helps in bringing business leaders to the table due to the framework’s collaborative nature. This offers multiple benefits to the organizations as well as individuals.

Individual Benefits:

  • Get more flexibility into your career as it supports multiple languages like Java.net and Ruby, thereby making you an attractive hire
  • According to Pay Scale a professional who can work on the Cucumber framework earns an average of $60k
  • Explain your work to leadership quite easily and improve chances of career advancements

Organizational Benefits:

  • Cucumber acts as a bridge between leadership and developers as cases can be created in plain English, thereby improving communication across the organization
  • It provides the non-programmers with an opportunity to get their hands dirty as well. Test scripts can be written without any prior coding knowledge.
  • Simplistic test script architecture allows the code to be re-used, thereby saving time and money
  • Courses for the Cucumber framework are in great demand as organizations are increasingly moving to agile workflows and they need everyone, including the leadership, to be on the same page as the developers and testers.

What you will learn

  • Introduction
    Get introduced to Cucumber and Behavior Driven Development.
  • Installation & Configuration
    Get started with installing and configuring various tools and frameworks.
  • Feature Files
    Create a Cucumber Selenium Java Test, the Cucumber Feature Files, Gherkin and Cucumber Options
  • Step Definitions
    Learn to write very effective and efficient Step Definitions.
  • Integration with JUnit
    Learn to integrate Cucumber with JUnit and then start understanding the different configurations of annotations
  • Integration with Maven
    Learn to integrate Cucumber with Maven and running it from the Terminal
  • Tagging & Hooking
    Learn the basic concepts of Tags and Hooks and about the power of Tag and Hook combinations.
  • Building Frameworks
    Learn how to build frameworks to automate Web, REST, and Mobile applications.

Who should attend

  • Manual Tester Engineers
  • Automation Tester Engineers
  • Test Managers
  • Beginners who want to make a career in the BDD test field
  • Anyone who wants to add Cucumber Skills
  • Teams working on Cucumber project

After completing our course, you will be able to:

  • Understand all the parameters of automating testing with Cucumber
  • Understand the major concepts of Cucumber frameworks
  • You will become an expert in automated testing with Cucumber
  • You will be proficient in working on Cucumber Frameworks

We provide the course in English.



1 Introduction to Cucumber
Learning Objective:
Get introduced to Cucumber and Behavior Driven Development.

  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Cucumber & Behavior Driven Development
  • Gherkin – Business Driven Development

2 Getting Started with Cucumber
Learning Objective:
Get started with installing and configuring various tools and frameworks.

  • Download and Install Java
  • Download and Start Eclipse
  • Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin
  • Download Cucumber for Eclipse
  • Download Webdriver Java client
  • Configure Eclipse with Cucumber

Install and configure required tools.

3 Feature Files
Learning Objective:
In Cucumber Framework, business requirements are specified in Feature files, which are written in the Gherkin Language.
Understand the power and usage of the Gherkin language to come up with efficient and optimized Feature files.

  • Writing your first Feature file with one Scenario 
  • Creating a Scenario with the And and But keywords 
  • Writing a Feature file with multiple Scenarios 
  • Adding Background to Feature files 
  • Using complex data types to store data 
  • Implementing Scenario Outlines 
  • Creating a Feature file in a language other than English 
  • Combining Scenarios, Background, and Scenario Outlines 

Write Feature File and create scenario with Cucumber.

4 Step Definitions
Learning Objective:
Learn to write very effective and efficient Step Definitions.

  • Creating your first Step Definitions file 
  • Identifying duplicate and Ambiguous Step Definitions 
  • Using regular expressions to optimize Step Definitions 
  • Using Optional Capture/Noncapture groups 
  • Transforming Data Tables to parse the test data 
  • Implementing Data Table diffs to compare tables 
  • Using Doc Strings to parse big data as one chunk 
  • Combining Doc Strings and Scenario Outlines 
  • Defining String transformations for better conversions 

Create Step Definitions file and use regular expressions to optimize Step Definitions.

5 Enabling Fixtures
Learning Objective:
Learn the basic concepts of Tags and Hooks followed by ANDing and ORing them, also learn about the power of Tag and Hook combinations.

  • Tagging
  • ANDing and ORing Tags
  • Adding Hooks to Cucumber code
  • Tagging the Hooks
  • ANDing and ORing the Tagged Hooks

Use Tags and Hooks and write very effective and efficient fixtures.

6 Configuring Cucumber
Learning Objective:
Learn to integrate Cucumber with JUnit and then start understanding the different configurations that we can do with @CucumberOptions annotation.

  • Integrating Cucumber with JUnit 
  • Overriding the Cucumber Options 
  • Running Strict and Running Dry 
  • Configuring the Cucumber Console output 
  • Directing the Cucumber output to a file 
  • Configuring the naming conventions 

Integrate Cucumber with JUnit and also override the Cucumber options.

7 Running Cucumber
Learning Objective:
Learn the multiple ways of running Cucumber, such as integrating it with Maven and running it from the Terminal; we can run Cucumber remotely as well by integrating Cucumber with Jenkins.

  • Integrating Cucumber with Maven
  • Running Cucumber from the Terminal
  • Overriding options from the Terminal
  • Integrating Cucumber with Jenkins and GitHub
  • Running Cucumber test cases in parallel

Integrate Cucumber with Maven and run it from the Terminal.

8 Building Cucumber Frameworks
Learning Objective:
Learn how to build frameworks to automate Web, REST, and Mobile applications.

  • Building a Web Automation framework 
  • Building a Mobile Automation framework 
  • Building a REST Automation framework 

Build Web, Mobile, REST automation framework.



It’s an added advantage to possess the following in order to take up Cucumber:

  • Should have basic knowledge on BDD and TDD
  • Work experience on IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, Netbeans.
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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.