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Advanced R Course

Időtartam: 6 nap

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737590Ft + ÁFA

737590 Ft + ÁFA

R is one of the leading statistical programming languages used by statisticians and data scientists.
Part of the reason for its popularity is that it is sophisticated, versatile and flexible and has uses in a variety of fields, be it engineering, business, medicine or science. R allows data analysis in a variety of methods and also has capabilities to produce a range of graphics including charts, plots, and graphs that can be used for presentations. This course offers an expert’s eye overview of how these advanced tasks fit together in R as a whole along with practical examples.

You will learn about the primary functions of R such as its installation and how to use it for data analyses and manipulation. Through hands-on exercises and in-depth coaching, you will learn about R data structures, basic R commands, how to use graphics, writing R functions and R flow control structures.

What you will learn

  • Basics of R
    Install R studio and explore R language fundamentals, including basic syntax, variables, and types
  • Data Structures
    Learn about data structures that R can handle. Create and manipulate regular R lists, tuple etc.
  • Conditional Statements
    Learn about control and loops statements
  • Object Oriented Programming
    Learn to write user defined functions and object oriented way of writing classes and objects.
  • Functions
    Use functions and import packages
  • Querying and Filtering
    Learn how to apply data processing functions in R to describe data and perform operations on it
  • Summarizing
    Learn to Summarize the data which helps you to take necessary steps for further analysis
  • Visualization
    Learn to visualize data in R using basic data visualization technique

Who should attend

  • Those interested in the field of data science and want to learn R programming
  • Those looking for a more robust, structured learning program
  • Software or Data Engineers interested in learning R Programming

By the end of the course you will know

  • how to use the R programming language and its environment
  • how to use R functions to manipulate data
  • how to analyze and manipulate data with R

We provide the course in English.



1 Intro to R Programming
Learning Objectives:
Get an idea of what is R, and why R is such a popular tool among Data Scientists.

Topics Covered:

  • What is R?                
  • Why is it in demand?

2 Installing and Loading Libraries
Learning Objectives:
In this module you will learn to install R and its components, install and load R libraries and learn about the frequently used libraries.

Topics Covered:

  • Installation of R – step by step
  • Installing Libraries                  
  • Getting to know important Libraries


Know how to install R, R Studio and other libraries.

3 Data Structures in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn about various data structures in R.

Topics Covered:

  • List
  • Vectors
  • Arrays
  • Matrices
  • Factors
  • String
  • Data Frames


Write R Code to understand and implement R Data Structures.

4 Control & Loop Statements in R
Learning Objectives:

Learn all about loops and control statements in R.

Topics Covered:

  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Break Statement
  • Next Statements
  • Repeat Statement
  • if, if…else Statements
  • Switch Statement


Write R Code to implement loop and control structures in R.

5 Functions in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to write custom functions, nested functions and functions with arguments.

Topics Covered:

  • Writing your own functions (UDF)
  • Calling R Functions
  • Nested Function Calls in R
  • Functions with Arguments
  • Calling R Functions by passing Arguments


Write R Code to create your own custom functions without or with arguments. Know how to call them by passing arguments wherever required.

6 Loop Functions in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn all about loop functions available in R which are efficient and can be written with a single command.

Topics Covered:

  • apply            
  • lapply           
  • sapply
  • mapply    
  • tapply


Write R Code to implement various types of apply functions and understand their usage.

7 String Manipulation & Regular Expression in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn all about string manipulations and regular expressions. The functions can be extremely useful for text or unstructured data manipulations.

Topics Covered:

  • stringr()         
  • grep() & grepl()          
  • regexpr() & gregexpr()           
  • regexec()                  
  • sub() & gsub() 


Write R Code for string manipulation and handle regular expression.

8 Working with Data in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to import data from various sources in R. Also learn how to write files from R and connect to various databases from R.

Topics Covered:

  • Reading data files in R
  • Reading data files from other Statistical Software
  • Writing files in R
  • Connecting to Databases from R
  • Data Manipulation & Analysis


Write R Code to read and write data from/to R. Read data not only from CSV files but also using direct connection to various databases.

9 Querying, Filtering, and Summarizing
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to apply various data processing functions in R. These operations can be useful to describe data and perform certain operations on it. This will help you to take necessary steps for further analysis.

Topics Covered:

  • Pipe operator for data processing
  • Using the dplyr verbs
  • Using the customized function within the dplyr verbs
  • Using the select verb for data processing
  • Using the filter verb for data processing
  • Using the arrange verb for data processing
  • Using mutate for data processing
  • Using summarise to summarize dataset


Write R code to apply various functions in R in order to process data.

10 R for Text Processing
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to handle data from different sources and different data formats

Topics Covered:

  • Extracting unstructured text data from a plain web page
  • Extracting text data from an HTML page
  • Extracting text data from an HTML page using the XML library
  • Extracting text data from PubMed
  • Importing unstructured text data from a plain text file
  • Importing plain text data from a PDF file
  • Pre-processing text data for topic modeling and sentiment analysis
  • Creating a word cloud to explore unstructured text data
  • Using regular expression in text processing


Write R code to implement text processing in order to handle data from various sources.

11 Handling large data in R
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to work with complex data structures and associated large data

Topics Covered:

  • Creating an XDF file from CSV input
  • Processing data as a chunk
  • Comparing computation time with data frame and XDF
  • Linear regression with larger data (rxFastLiner)


Write R code to implement various functions in R and apply linear regression using large data.

12 Basic Data Visualization
Learning Objectives:
Learn basic data visualization techniques to build charts using R.

Topics Covered:

  • Basic Data Visualization with standard libraries


Write R code to perform basic visualization of the data.

13 Case Study
Learning Objective:
Case Study to explore R Programming

Topics Covered:

  • Case Study : R Programming


Case Study to explore R



  • Participants are expected to have basic programming knowledge
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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.