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Advanced Java Course with Certification

Időtartam: 8 nap

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737590Ft + ÁFA

737590 Ft + ÁFA

Java is a program that every programmer needs to learn. Not only is it among the most popular languages due to its simplicity and versatility, but it has also become an essential programming language needed to make successful applications. This workshop is an advanced Java Training aimed at helping you learn more about the nuances and advanced features of this programming language.

This Advanced Java Programming training course builds on the Java 101 course, and goes deeper into programming topics that help you to understand these more advanced Java concepts. Designed for the more experienced Java developer, you should have a good working knowledge of the Java programming language before undertaking this course.

Java is easy to learn, and coding will be natural. You can write, compile and debug. With its OOP capability you can reuse the code. You can maintain your code as it gets complex with ease.

Individual Benefits

  • You will be able to manage a whole database with its capabilities.
  • It is a popular platform, the demand for Java developers is high
  • An individual will be able to build any kind of application using Java language
  • By being familiar with Java, you can quickly learn and build Android applications

Organisational Benefits

  • Java is a secure platform. Companies worldwide rely on its capabilities.
  • Java solves the complex business logic implementations.
  • Because of its portable capabilities, Java is here to stay in the businesses for a long time to come.
  • It has excellent memory management and Scalability.
  • Java applications are straightforward to develop and manage.

What you will leran

  • Generics
    Learn about the pros and cons of Generic along with its methods, how to use generics, etc.
  • Threads
    Get an understanding of Java thread model, creating running threads and other important concepts.
  • Reflection
    Upgrade yourself with the knowledge of Reflection API, Dynamic Instantiation, Dynamic Invocation.
  • Annotations
    Gain the knowledge of built-In Annotations, Annotations Model, as well as Annotation Types.
  • Sockets
    Learn about everything around sockets, including OSI reference model, Network Protocols, and more.
  • Database Access with JDBC
    Learn to use DriverManager, Connection, Statement and ResultSet, JDBC Architecture and API.

Who should attend

  • Application developers who want to increase their understanding of core Java
  • Developers who want to dive deep into its new features and fundamentals

By the end of the course you will

  • Use composition and delegation to create objects from other objects
  • Use packages to organize code
  • Understand interfaces, their importance, and their uses
  • Use interfaces to implement abstraction
  • Learn good Java coding style
  • Create well-structured Java programs
  • Compile and execute programs with the JDK development tools and with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice
  • Understand the basics of using JDBC and JPA, and use them to access databases from Java
  • Use the Java Collections Framework
  • Be aware of, and use the new features of Java 8 (if using Java 1.8 or later), as well as important advanced features of earlier Java versions

This is an advanced course by the end of which you will be ready to build Java applications through a hands-on curriculum and by working on a project that involves building a library management system.

We provide the course in English.



1 Generics

  • Using Generics
  • Type Erasure
  • Type Boundaries
  • Wildcards
  • Generic Methods
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Generics
  • Legacy Code and Generics

2 Threads

  • Java Thread Model
  • Creating and Running Threads
  • Manipulating Thread State
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Volatile Fields vs. Synchronized Methods
  • wait and notify
  • join and sleep
  • The Concurrency API
  • Atomic Operations
  • Thread Pools

3 Reflection

  • Uses for Meta-Data
  • The Reflection API
  • The Class Class
  • The java.lang.reflect Package
  • Reading Type Information
  • Navigating Inheritance Trees
  • Dynamic Instantiation
  • Dynamic Invocation
  • Reflecting on Generics

4 Annotations

  • Aspect-Oriented Programming and Java
  • The Annotations Model
  • Annotation Types and Annotations
  • Built-In Annotations
  • Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML)

5 Sockets

  • The OSI Reference Model
  • Network Protocols
  • The Socket Class
  • The ServerSocket Class
  • Connecting Through URL Objects
  • HTTP and Other TCP Servers
  • Datagram Clients and Servers
  • Non-Blocking Sockets
  • Multi-Threading in Servers

6 Database Access with JDBC
JDBC Overview

  • Using DriverManager, Connection, Statement and ResultSet
  • JDBC Architecture and API
  • Working with insert,update,delete and queries
  • Working with datasource class


There are no prerequisites to attend this course, however it is preferable for a candidate to have the following knowledge and skills:

  • It is recommendable for you to have a solid experience on Java programming, especially object-oriented use of the language.
  • You are also expected to be completely comfortable with interfaces and abstract classes, generics, and collections, recursive methods, enumerations, varargs, basic Java I/O, serialization (and the transient keyword), the bean pattern, and basic UML class diagrams.
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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.