1 Introduction to Node
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn about how node runtime works and the need for async programming.
Installing Node.js
Node’s Event Loop
Writing asynchronous code
Create an example of a restaurant which uses async communication pattern for accepting and serving orders.
2 Advance JS primer
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will get a deeper understanding on async programming syntaxes in JavaScript.
Define a problem and solve the same problem with different async programming styles.
3 Modularizing code
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to modularize nodejs code, how to use built-in and third party modules using npm.
Understanding built-in module
Techniques for modularizing JavaScript code
Using require() to modularize application code
Using npm for third-party modules
Handling Exceptions
Create a user defined module that uses built-in, third party and other user defined modules.
4 Events and Streams
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to code event driven node programs, also learn about streams to deal with large volumes of data.
EventEmitter class
Understanding Streams
Reading and writing streams
Using pipe()
Redefine the restaurant module created in module 1 with event driven style. Also log the events to file using streams.
5 Accessing local resources
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to deal with file and binary data programming in node.js.
Process Object
Manipulating File System
Understanding Buffers
Create node program that performs CRUD with file system and also handle global exceptions.
6 Nodejs and the web
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will understand the low level http api in node.
Handling web requests
Building a web server
Create a web server using http module.
7 Working with Express JS
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn the core features of express js framework.
Installing Express.js
Parameters and queries in routing
Building views using view engine of choice (ejs / jade / handlebars)
Using blocks for layout
Displaying data
Working with forms
Serving files
Error Handling
Create a web application and api that uses express features like routing and views.
8 Securing web apis with passport
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will understand the importance of security in web apps and how to secure apps using passport.js.
Authentication & Authorization using local user
Protecting API with JWT
Secure the web api built in the previous module with JWT.
9 Real time communication with
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to make real time applications in node using
Understand the need of websockets
Install and setup
Develop real time dashboard
Develop a dashboard application that updates the order stats in real time.
10 Scaling node apps
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to deal with child process and scaling of node apps.
The Child process model
Exec, spawn, and fork functions
Using the Cluster module
Cluster the web api built in the previous module.
11 Unit testing with mocha & chai
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to write unit test code for node.
What is unit testing
Install and setup mocha and chai
Write unit tests to test api
Create unit test to the api.
12 Introduction to MongoDB
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn the difference between SQL and NoSQL, document vs other types of storages. You will learn how to install and setup Mongo. Learn how to connect to Mongo server using Mongo client.
Installing MongoDB
The current SQL/NoSQL landscape
Document-oriented vs. other types of storage
Mongo’s featureset
Common use-cases
MongoDB databases
MongoDB Collections
MongoDB Documents
13 CRUD Operations in MongoDB
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn how to perform CRUD operations on Mongo documents.
Creating documents
Querying documents
Working with equality
Query operators
Building complex queries
Updating documents
Deleting documents
Work with Mongo client to create database, collection, documents. Retrieve, update and delete documents.
14 Introduction to Mongoose
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will understand the ODM/ORM and the need for Mongoose in node and Mongo powered applications.
Word on ORM/ODM
Installing Mongoose
Connecting to MongoDB from Mongoose
Install and setup Mongoose. Write node application to connect to Mongo using Mongoose.
15 Core concepts of Mongoose
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn the core features of Mongoose like schemas, models, modifiers, virtual fields.
Understanding Mongoose schemas and datatypes
Working with Models
Using modifiers in schema
Using virtual fields
CRUD operations with Mongoose
Create a node application that performs CRUD using Mongoose. Define Mongoose schema, Define model, Create model instance, CRUD using model instance.
16 Extending Models
Learning Objective:
By the end of this module you will learn about more features of Mongoose like hooks, validating model data, static methods vs instance methods.
Working with hooks
Validation of model data
Creating custom static methods
Creating custom instance methods
Create Mongoose hooks to tap into the data creation and retrieval process. Use pre and post save hooks, create static methods and instance methods.
17 Introduction to Angular
Learning Objective:
Understanding what you will learn in this course.
18 Why Angular?
Learning Objective:
Learn about Single Page Application vs Multi Page Application, pros and cons of SPA vs MPA.
Learn about the developer experience delivered by angular tooling
Learn about the high level overview of the framework and its community
User Experience similar to a Desktop Application
Productivity and Tooling
Full-featured Framework
Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers
19 Understanding Angular Versions
Learning Objective:
Learn about the angular history and notable improvements on every version.
AngularJS (Angular 1.x)
Angular 2
Angular 4
Angular 5
Angular 6
Angular 7
Angular 8
20 Typescript & ES6
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will gain insight how typescript is different from javascript, and will understand the new useful syntaxes of ES6.
What is Typescript
Why Typescript
Setup and installation
IDE support
Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )
Template Literals ( ES6 )
Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )
Destructuring ( ES6 )
Create variables using let and const, create multi line strings with template literals, use spread and rest operators with functions, pull values for arrays and objects using destructuring.
21 Power of Types
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will gain insight about the typesystem of typescript.
Type inference
Type Annotations
Null and Undefined
Never (Typescript 2)
Create variable with different TS supported data types.
22 Explore Functions
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will gain insight about how to use functions and how to take advantage of strict typing in function definition and invocation. You will also learn the functional style influenced arrow function and its pros and cons. Finally understand the typescript way of achieving functional overloading.
Using types in functions
Function as types
Optional and default parameters
Arrow functions
Create functions with mandatory, optional and default parameters. Create arrow functions.
23 Classes
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand object oriented style of developing applications using typescript classes and also experience the power of encapsulation with typescript access modifiers and other important features of typescript classes.
Access modifiers
Getters and setters
Readonly & static
Create classes with properties, methods and accessors. Implement inheritance.
24 Interfaces
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the significance of interfaces in achieving the structural contracts along with the behaviour contracts. You will learn how to validate the shape of JavaScript Object and how to implement interfaces on classes.
Optional properties and methods
Strict structural contract
Extending interface
Implementing interface
Create interface and use it validate object shapes.Implement interfaces on classes.
25 Modules
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the significance of modules in JavaScript and their usage in typescript.
Create modules and import them into other modules.
26 Decorators (Typescript Aspect Oriented Programming)
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will learn aspect oriented programming pattern with the help of decorator.
27 Working with Angular CLI
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know how to setup Angular CLI and create a new project in command line tool. You will also gain insight about the project structure and the significance of project files. Also experience the debugging of your angular app in visual studio code and learn how to view runtime information with augury chrome extension.
Angular CLI
Anatomy of the project
Debugging Angular apps
Working with Augury
Create a new Angular CLI project using Angular CLI, execute and debug.
28 8 Main Building blocks of Angular (Birds Eye View Of Angular )
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will get inside of birds eye view of Angular and its programmable members. This module lays the foundation for the entire course.
Data binding
Dependency injection
29 Angular modules
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the significance of Angular module system, and will also gain an insight on why modules are needed, how we create modules and the different kinds of modules.
Why modules
How to create modules
Built in modules
Root Module
Feature module
Create feature module and import feature module into root module.
30 Components
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will know the significance of components, how to create a component with different ways of attaching templates and styles.
@Component decorator
Component configuration object
Custom components
Component with templates
Component with Styles
Create component with inline and external template and styles, create component manually and with cli, also apply component composition by using a component in another component.
31 Templating
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the Angular templating syntax and explore the powerful data binding features.
HTML as template
Data binding
Property Binding
Event Binding
Two way binding
Template expressions
Template syntax
Attribute, class and style bindings
Template reference variables
Safe navigation operator
Use different data binding syntaxes in template. Implement property binding with @Input and custom event binding with @Output binding. Create template reference variables and use them in template.
32 Directives
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will experience the power of Angular directives and the different kinds of directives supported in Angular.
Built-in directives
Structural directive
Attribute directive
Implement iteration and conditional rendering in template using structural directives and implement dynamic styling with attribute directives.
33 Pipes
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand Angular data transformation capabilities using pipes. Introduction
Built-in pipes
@Pipe decorator
Use currency, date, json and other pipes to transform data. Apply the built in pipes in transforming data in classroom course project.
34 Forms
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will learn how to develop forms in template driven and reactive form styles along with form validation techniques.
@angular/forms library
Template driven forms
Form and field validation
Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-valid, ng-invali
Show and hide validation error messages
Form submission with ngSubmit
Reactive/ Model drive forms
FormGroup, FormControl classes
FormBuilder for easy form building
Validations using Validators
Setting form model using setValue and patchValue
Use FormArray to build repeated from controls or form groups
Develop forms in both template and reactive forms along with validation. Also you will code form with most commonly used controls like textbox, drop down lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons.
35 Dependency Injection
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the significance of dependency injection in Angular and the different kinds of provider types in Angular.
Why DI
@Injectable decorator
Custom service development
Registering the service with NgModule using providers key
Provider Types
Develop services and provide them as dependencies for components.Provide component at self, parent and root levels.Create 3 different types of providers.
36 Routing And Navigation
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will learn how to implement navigation in Angular, and you will also learn how to protect route with route guards.
@angular/router library
Configure routes
RouterModule.forRoot and RouterModule.forChild
RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive
Nested Routes
Parametrized routes
Route guards
Develop navbar component that provides routing for application.Use route configuration at root module and feature module level, also protect routes with guards.
37 RxJs Primer
Learning Objective:
On completion of this module you will gain insight into observable pattern and implementation in JavaScript using rxjs library.
Why RxJs
Observable interface
Create and use observables and operators.
38 HTTP Deprecated & HttpClient
Learning Objective:
On completion of this module you will learn how to consume remote api using http client Also understand the power of interceptors for better error handling.
Setup installing the module
Making a request for JSON data
Typechecking the response
Error handling
Sending data to the server
Making a POST request
Configuring other parts of the request
Create a service that uses HTTPClient to make CRUD operations.Add headers to requests and handle errors.
39 New Features in Angular 8
Learning Objective:
On completion of this module you will gain an insight about the new features offered in Angular version 8.
New features in angular cli
ng update
ng add
Angular Elements
Updates to @angular/material
CLI workspaces
Building libraries
Tree shakable providers
RxJs 6 Support
How to upgrade to Angular 6
Create an Angular element and see how it can be used on an Angular application.
40 Testing
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand how to write unit test cases to test component, services and pipe.
Testing in Typescript
Testing Component
Testing Service/Provider
Testing Pipe
Unit test a component, service and custom pipe.
41 Deployment
Learning Objective:
Upon completion of this module you will understand the differences between JIT compilation and AOT compilation; and also learn how to deploy Angular applications.
Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library code)
Demonstrate how to run AOT build and deploy code on simple HTTP server.