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PHP and MySQL Course

Időtartam: 8 nap

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901590Ft + ÁFA

901590 Ft + ÁFA

When you combine a fast and feature-rich development language (PHP) with a powerful open-source database server (MySQL), you get to develop powerful & scalable web applications. Get started on a fulfilling career with KnowledgeHut’s PHP and MySQL Training that helps you to master the essential concepts of PHP and MySQL, along with the MVC framework.
This course is designed to help beginners as well as experienced professionals with a range of topics such as uploading files to server, handling exceptions, working with functions and form data, and manipulating system files, and more. Open your career to more rewarding opportunities as you master the fundamental technologies in web development with classroom lessons and practical sessions.

This course will give you the required training to build powerful web-based applications that are feature and functionality rich, using PHP and MySQL with MVC Framework. Any framework makes software development easier and the MVC framework gives more control and better testability to the developer. You will learn to harness the power of the open source PHP language as well as MySQL by learning about CakePHP, its views and layout and the various interactions with the database. This is a great course for those who want to make a career in web development.

Who Should Attend the Course

  • HTML Developers
  • Java Developers
  • UI Designers
  • Database Developers and Administrators
  • Aspiring Web Developers

What You Will Learn

  • PHP Basics
    Get a complete understanding of PHP basics, learn to install setup, arrays and decision-making statements
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    Learn object-oriented functionalities like method overriding, constants, interfaces, inheritance, and more
  • Advanced Queries
    Master SQL concepts and advanced queries. Understand how to sort values and handle values
  • CakePHP Controller
    Understand application flows and learn to leverage CakePHP for exchanging data and viewing interacts
  • Generate Forms
    Learn to create dynamic forms using CakePHP and use model definitions to effectively validate forms
  • Develop a Website
    Understand the popular frameworks and utilize CakePHP to build a highly functioning website

We provide the course in English.



1.PHP and MySQL Training Part 1

  • Introduction to PHP basics and Conditional Logic
  • Functions and error handling
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • MySQL Installation and Basics
  • Advance Queries and Data Manipulation using PHP

2.PHP and MySQL Training Part 2

  • MVC Infrastructure Basics & Introduction to CakePHP
  • CakePHP Controller, Views and Layout
  • Models and Database Interaction in CakePHP
  • Creating Dynamic Forms using CakePHP Html Helpers
  • Using MVC & CakePHP to develop a website



Basic knowledge of RDBMS, HTML, and the internet

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