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Flask Course with Certification

Időtartam: 4 nap

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696590Ft + ÁFA

696590 Ft + ÁFA

Backend development is hotter than ever before. The backend is the brain of the site, making everything run like clockwork. Mastering a powerful backend tool like Flask can open up a lot of opportunities for both established and upcoming developers. This micro framework from Python is simple, powerful, and flexible, allowing faster code development.
The back end is the foundation on which the application or website is built on, and Flask helps you create code that’s easier to read, write and maintain. Our Flask training workshop is an introductory course designed to give you a strong foundation in the fundamentals of web development, Python, and Flask. You will learn about models, views, controllers, web templates, forms, validation, and API interactions in Flask. Through a hands-on and experiential course format designed by our tutors, you will master Flask and learn to build your very own custom web apps using it.

Who Should Attend the Course

  • Programmers
  • Software Developers
  • Project Managers
  • Computer Students
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Software Development Enthusiasts 

What You Will Learn

  • Development Environment
    Understand how to set up your development environment and explore the basics of Python
  • Introduction to Flask
    Get a comprehensive overview of Flask tools and libraries and learn how to create a homepage
  • Flask Templates
    Understand how to use Templates in a Flask application. Define and build smart routes to accommodate apps
  • Deploying to Heroku
    Learn how to deploy a Flask App on Heroku with a Postgres Database for professional web hosting
  • Create and Render Forms
    Build a small web application that demonstrates how to render and validate web forms using Flask
  • App Authentication
    Learn to add authentication features to your app using Flask. Implement location-based app features

During this 16-hour course, a variety of topics will be covered with the aim of making you an expert in Flask and giving you all you need to use this backend tool skillfully. You will get a practical understanding of the following concepts on course completion:

  • Learning the basics of Python programming and Flask
  • Using Software Patterns like MVC and decorators
  • Working with databases and storing data
  • Creating Forms, validating data and building templates
  • Creating user authentication in your apps
  • Extending an app’s functionality by integrating it with third-party APIs

We provide the course in English.



Module I

  • Setting up your development environment
  • Python Basics
  • Introduction to Flask
  • Creating a homepage
  • Building templates
  • Routing with Flask

Module II

  • Deploying to Heroku
  • Storing data
  • Creating and rendering forms
  • Validating form data
  • Creating a user authentication system for login and logout
  • Implementing location-based app features


Participants are expected to have basic HTML and Python programming language knowledge.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

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