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OpenStack Certification Training

Időtartam: 4 nap

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573590Ft + ÁFA

573590 Ft + ÁFA

OpenStack, a cloud operating system, controls large pools of computing, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard. OpenStack is free and open-source, but if you are going for a vendor-specific version, it might cost you. This revolutionary platform addresses the need of organizations to have flexible and automated resource provisioning and orchestration devices. OpenStack aims to promote open source cloud platforms which are believed to be the future of Cloud Computing.

This OpenStack certification course gives you a detailed understanding about the OpenStack environment, Compute (Nova), OpenStack image service (Glance), Software defined storage (Cinder), Software defined storage (Swift), Software defined networking (Neutron), Cloud Security, Identity & Access Management (Keystone), OpenStack dashboard (Horizon) and other additional components of an OpenStack system. Plus, the OpenStack course is delivered by top OpenStack experts.

OpenStack is a collection of self-contained and independent projects that can be used either individually for serving a very specific need or all together as a comprehensive cloud operating system.
The demand for OpenStack is increasing as it is converted into an easy-to-digest product sold to organizations to build their own private cloud and the best thing is its an open-source software platform.

This training is designed to help you become an expert in OpenStack. You will learn about all the nuts and bolts of OpenStack, including its Architecture and the various OpenStack services. This highly experiential course helps you get hands on expertise of the tool and how it is used in the industry through case studies.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Install and configure OpenStack
  • Install and Configure Controller, Compute, Storage and Network Nodes.
  • Perform OpenStack Operations using OpenStack Dashboard g

Individual benefits

  • Individuals have constant support from a community of developers who are constantly working hard to enhance OpenStack.
  • OpenStack has great development support from Giant IT companies as well, such as Intel, IBM, Cisco, etc. which will benefit you as it grows leaps and bounds.
  • According to ziprecruiter.com, the average annual pay for an OpenStack Developer Job in the US is $130,163 a year.
  • An Openstack training equips professionals with the knowledge of tools to create hybrid cloud infrastructure that helps them in real-time, complex projects.

Organizational benefits

  • Infrastructure can be modernized, and efficiency can be increased
  • A tool to quickly detect issues to resolve them efficiently.
  • OpenStack is used to power the organization’s mailboxes in various countries
  • Deliver cloud services in the organization’s computer and data environment.
  • Enables to create innovative storage solution.
  • OpenStack based hybrid cloud platform delivers high-quality entertainment.
  • The main advantage of OpenStack is that it supports both private and public cloud deployments. OpenStack fulfils the two important requirements that organizations implementing cloud infrastructure look for: massive scalability and simplicity of implementation.

What you will learn

  • OpenStack Basics
    Gain a complete understanding of the fundamental concepts of OpenStack and the different uses.
  • OpenStack Architecture
    Decode OpenStack Architecture and learn how to configure and install OpenStack Architecture.
  • OpenStack Compute
    Master all the essential concepts and elements of OpenStack compute while working with Nova.
  • OpenStack Storage
    Ace OpenStack Storage and gain a thorough understanding of the Swift Architecture.
  • OpenStack Networking
    Understand the OpenStack Networking by mastering the most advanced Neuron concepts.
  • OpenStack Keystone
    Get introduced to the fundamentals of OpenStack Keystone and create Users, Groups, Roles, and more.
  • OpenStack Glance
    Gain a comprehensive understanding of OpenStack Glance and master OpenStack Image Service.
  • OpenStack Dashboard
    Ace the OpenStack Dashboard and learn to install, configure, and manage images.
  • OpenStack Orchestration
    Equip yourself with skills and knowledge to operate Orchestration Service – Heat.

Who should attend

  • System Administrators
  • IT Professionals
  • Operational Engineers

We provide the course in English.



1 Introduction to Virtualization, Cloud and OpenStack
Learning Objectives:
Learn about how Virtualization is used in Cloud, Understand What is OpenStack and its Architecture and components


  • Overview of Virtualization
  • How Virtualization is used in Cloud
  • Fundamentals of OpenStack
  • OpenStack Architecture
  • OpenStack Components.
  • Case Study

2 Installing & Configuring OpenStack
Learning Objectives
Learn how to Install & Configure OpenStack. Gain a complete understanding of the 3 different nodes and learn to create nodes


  • Installation of OpenStack  
  • Configure OpenStack


  • Create 3 nodes -Controller, Compute and Network
  • Configuring Network Interfaces
  • Installing OpenStack

3 OpenStack Compute (Nova)
Learning Objectives
Get introduced to the different elements and key components of Nova architecture and learn to run Nova


  • Introduction to Nova
  • Nova Architecture
  • Nova Components
  • Implement and run Nova
  • Case Study


  • Install and Configure Compute & Controller Nodes

4 OpenStack Storage (Cinder & Swift)
Learning Objectives
Get a complete overview of Cinders, Swift Architecture, Swift Replications, and OpenStack Storage


  • Overview of Cinders
  • Cinder Architecture
  • How Cinder Works
  • How to Manage volumes
  • Overview of Swift
  • Swift Architecture and Working
  • Ring Builder & Swift Replications
  • Cinder Snapshots and Backups
  • Case Study


  • Install and Configure Storage Node

5 OpenStack Networking (Neutron)
Learning Objectives
Master the concepts of Neutron Architecture and learn about different Network services


  • Introduction to Neutron
  • Neutron Architecture and Working
  • Neutron Components
  • Neutron Plugins and Agents
  • Fixed and Floating Ips
  • Network Services – LbaaS, FwaaS, VPNaaS
  • Case Study


  • Install and Configure Network Node

6 OpenStack Image Service (Glance)
Learning Objectives
Understand what OpenStack Image Service is and how it can be used for uploads and downloads


  • Introduction to Glance
  • Glance Components and Architecture
  • Supported image formats
  • Using Glance Images
  • Case Study


  • Install and Configure Glance

7 OpenStack Authentication (Keystone)
Learning Objectives
Learn how to authenticate and create Users, Groups and Roles 


  • Overview of OpenStack Identity Management
  • RBAC Authentication
  • Creating Users, Roles and Groups, Domains and Projects
  • Case Study


  • Installing and Configuring Keystone
  • Create domains, projects and users

8 OpenStack Dashboard
Learning Objectives
Gain a complete understanding of the most essential concepts of OpenStack Dashboard


  • Overview of OpenStack Dashboard
  • Architecture & Features
  • Control Flow
  • Case Study


  • Install and Configure Dashboard and manage Images

9 OpenStack Orchestration (Heat)
Learning Objectives
Learn how to work with Orchestration Service – Heat.


  • Overview of Heat
  • Architecture
  • Orchestration Template
  • Scaling and Elasticity
  • Case Study

Hands On

  • Installing and working with Heat

10 OpenStack Metering and Monitoring -Ceilometer
Learning Objectives
Learn how to monitor Billing services using Ceilometer


  • Overview of Ceilometer
  • Ceilometer Architecture
  • Deploying and Working with Ceilometer
  • Case Study


  • Installing and working with Ceilometer


There are no mandatory prerequisites to fulfill for taking up our OpenStack online training. However, possessing the following skills will give you an added advantage:

  • Virtualization
  • Linux & Networking Fundamentals
  • Experience with installing and configuring applications
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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.