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Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner®

Időtartam: 3 nap.

ápr. 25. - ápr. 27.

423300Ft + ÁFA

423300 Ft + ÁFA

423300 Ft + ÁFA

You have shown your commitment to Agile by gaining the CSPO certification. But how will you distinguish yourself from other CSPOs? How will you ensure that your resume reflects your skillset, diligence, and commitment to continuous improvement? You can gain the Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner® (A-CSPO®) credential. 
With this credential, you will demonstrate to your peers and employers that you have advanced knowledge and skills on all things Scrum and can guide your Scrum team to success.
You will gain the practical expertise and enhanced skills to implement Agile in the workplace through interaction, facilitation, coaching, and team dynamics. 

Who should attend this A-CSPO course?

  • Certified Scrum Product Owners (CSPOs)
  • Product Managers
  • Scrum Masters
  • Managers
  • Agile Team Members
  • Executives
  • Business Analyst
  • Product Analyst
  • Product Owners
  • Directors
  • Project Managers
  • Strategy Analysts
  • Pre-Sales
  • CXOs
  • Marketing Managers
  • Program Managers

What you’ll learn in the A-CSPO Course

  • Product Owner Core Competencies
    Examine the Product Owner role and how to work with stakeholders and development team.
  • Product Ownership
    Learn the approaches to scale Scrum and the techniques for reducing dependencies.
  • Advanced Strategy and Purpose
    Develop practical product strategies and advanced product planning and forecasting.
  • Empathizing with Customers
    Learn customer research and product discovery by discovering and practicing unique techniques.
  • Product Assumption Validation
    Learn how to develop, create, and test hypothesis for a target customer to deliver business value.
  • Working with the Product Backlog
    Learn the advanced techniques used for differentiating outcome and output and defining a value.

We provide this course in English



1. Product Owner Core Competencies
Learning Objectives
Illustrate why Product Ownership is important for you and learn at least three techniques to interact with stakeholders over multiple Sprints. Learn why the Product Owner should be cautious about accumulating technical debt. Identify at least two techniques for visualizing, managing, or reducing dependencies.


  • Examining the Product Owner Role
  • Working with Stakeholders
  • Working with the Development Team
  • Product Ownership with Multiple Teams

2. Advanced Purpose and Strategy
Learning Objectives
Learn with a real-world example how product strategy is operationalized evolved over time in an Agile Organization. Create a product plan and practice at least one technique to visualize and communicate product strategy.


  • Developing Practical Product Strategies
  • Advanced Product Planning and Forecasting

3. Empathizing with Customers and Users
Learning Objectives
Learn the technique used to connect teams directly to customers and users and practice at least two techniques of product discovery.


  • Customer Research
  • Product Discovery

4. Advanced Product Assumption Validation
Learning Objectives
Learn how to compare at least two approaches to validating assumptions and experiment with at least one approach to incorporate validating assumptions into the Scrum framework. Develop at least two hypotheses for a target customer and create a plan to test at least one hypothesis.


  • Effective Business Value Delivery
  • Sprint Review
  • Validate Assumptions
  • Target Customer Hypothesis

5. Advanced Techniques for Working with the Product Backlog
Learning Objectives
Learn how to apply at least two techniques to organize and filter a Product Backlog to link to product goals or strategy and illustrate how the Product Owner can ensure that enough Product Backlog items are “ready” for the upcoming sprint. 


  • Differentiating Outcome and Output
  • Defining Value
  • Ordering Items
  • Advanced Product Backlog Refinement



To earn an A-CSPO certification, you must have an active CSPO® certification with Scrum Alliance®.
At least, one-year of work experience specific to the role of Product Owner.

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