1 Laravel Introduction and Architecture
Learning Objective:
Get introduced to Laravel and its architecture.
Intro to Laravel
2 Get started with Laravel
Learning Objective:
Learn to install and set up Laravel and Homestead.
Setting up Homestead
Setting up composer and PHP on your local machine for faster Workflows
Using .env for your local build
Using sequel pro and connecting to local and remote databases
Setting up your first application in Homestead
Setting up Gulp and Elixir
Set up Homestead, composer, PHP, Gulp, Elixir.
3 Composer Packages
Learning Objective:
Learn about some of the day-to-day workflows of setting up Laravel to use composer and many of the packages for use in our PHP applications.
Working with the composer install command and avoiding the Composer update
Downloading and installing Guzzle using Composer
Making a provider
Using the Facade pattern
Using private packages
Work with composer, download and install Guzzle using Composer
4 Routing
Learning Objective:
Learn to test your routes, API based routes, and name them.
Building an API / JSON based route for searching
Testing your route in PHPUnit
Building a view based route
Testing your view based route in PHPUnit
Creating named routes
Build API based route for searching and test the routes.
5 Building Views and Adding Style
Learning Objective:
Walk through setting up Blade files, installing a theme, making an authentication page, and more.
Organizing your Blade files
Installing a WrapBootStrap theme
Making your authentication pages
Implementing an error message template
Building your main search page
Adding static pages
Install themes and build your main search page.
6 Working with Data
Learning Objective:
Learn about the common workflows and other tips and tricks around Laravel and data or state, which include files.
Setting up users and running migrations
Altering a migration
Using factories for migrations and tests
Using a generator to scaffold your user wishlist area
Seeding so you can see how your app looks
Adding a file upload to user profile
Validating file upload
Saving files to S3
Set up users and alter migration. Also, save files to S3
7 Authentication, Security, and Subscriptions
Learning Objective:
Learn about the day-to-day workflows that are needed to protect your site, manage subscriptions, and administer users.
Using policies and guard to protect user pages
Adding feature flags to hide features from users
Implementing Socialite to allow users to login with Facebook
Adding custom middleware to protect the user admin area
Using Laravel to set up a subscription site
Creating an interface for the user to manage subscriptions
Creating an admin interface for subscriptions
Create an interface for the user to manage subscriptions. Also, create an admin interface for subscriptions.
8 Testing and Debugging Your Application
Learning Objective:
Learn the concepts of what to test, how to get started, mocking, and more.
Generating test
Using tests to think through your code TDT (Test Driven Thinking)
Using VCR for API testing
Getting your code onto GitHub
Using Travis to run tests with every push
Launching Gulp watch into your workflow
Using Mockery to test your controllers
Troubleshooting your application
Test, debug and troubleshoot application in order to deploy.
9 Adding Advanced Features
Learning Objective:
Learn about Artisan commands and how to use them. Also, learn about setting up notification e-mails so that we can notify users when new comics come in and more.
Building an Artisan command
Creating scheduler to notify users of new comics
Setting up e-mail notices
Adding clean URLs for the users profile page
Using pusher for live notifications
Adding a blog area to update users on new features
Set up notification emails to notify users.
10 Deployment
Learning Objective:
Go over some key steps to getting your application to deploy.
Setting up Forge, AWS, and CodeDeploy
Setting up Travis to auto deploy when all is passing
Working with your .env file
Testing your application on production with Behat
Making a composer package out of our client
Set up environment for deployment.