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Master Neo4J Graph Database Training

Időtartam: 4 nap

Időpontok hamarosan

696.590 Ft + ÁFA / Fő

Relational databases have changed the face of software applications, helping developers store enormous amounts of structured data in a concise and efficient manner. With more complex applications being designed each day, we need a database that offers more flexibility. With the Graph database you get the benefits of relational databases without rigidity.
It helps build sophisticated models that align to the business and problem domain. Neo4J is a graph database that is being widely adopted due to its speed, ability to handle big data more efficiently, scalability, and better performance.
In this comprehensive Neo4J training course learn to design better performing apps with better query handling capabilities. The workshop starts off with an introduction to Neo4J, familiarizing you with its fundamentals and its environment. Our highly qualified and experienced trainers will teach you the Cypher Query language and how to create nodes and add properties by designing your own Social Client application. Enroll now and create tremendous opportunity for yourself and your organization by leveraging the power of Neo4J. Take your development career to the next level with this Neo4J certification.

Who Should Attend This Course

  • Database Professionals
  • Professionals who want to understand Database Administration
  • Students interested in learning Neo4J Graph

What You Will Learn

  • Database Types
    Learn about the different types of databases and how to use their unique features
  • Relational Databases
    Explore how relational databases work and how they help in creating robust databases
  • Graph Databases
    Understand how Graph databases are different from relational databases and their benefits
  • Neo4J
    Learn all about Neo4J, its benefits, and how to install it in Windows and Linux environments
  • Cypher Query
    Understand how to use the Cypher Query Language and how you can use clauses in it
  • Running Queries
    Learn how you can run queries in a database using a wide range of different methods

On completion of the Neo4J graph database training, you will be able to develop an understanding of the following topics:

  • Different types of databases
  • Graph database and their differences with relational databases
  • Neo4J database
  • Installation, environment and working with its browser
  • The Cypher Query language
  • Clauses, statements and conditions to query the database
  • Creating an application with nodes, relationships and properties

We provide the course in English.



1. Neo4J Intro

  • Basics about Neo4J Content

2. Intro To Graph Databases

  • Graph Databases
  • Graphs vs Relational Databases
  • The Graph Data Model

3. Getting Started with Neo4J

  • Introduction to Neo4J
  • Installing Neo4j in Windows
  • Installing Neo4j in Linux
  • Neo4j Browser Interface

4. Cypher and Neo4J Browser

  • Understanding Cypher Query Language Preview
  • Movie Graph Example
  • Creating and Matching Nodes
  • Creating Relationships
  • Updating and Deleting Nodes and Properties

5. More on Cypher and Neo4J

  • Other Cypher Queries & Clauses
  • Language Drivers

6. SocialClient Application

  • Project Intro
  • Node and Express Server Setup
  • Neo4j Driver Setup
  • Adding Nodes with App
  • Adding Relationships with App
  • Person Details
  • Twitter Bootstrap UI
  • Details Page Forms



Participants in this course are required to have a basic knowledge of relational databases like MySQL.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.