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Master Swift Training

Időtartam: 4 nap

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696590Ft + ÁFA

696590 Ft + ÁFA

Swift is an open source and intuitive programming language developed in the labs of Apple that enables building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch.  With its safe and reliable code, Swift developers can create richer app experiences. It is also a fast and efficient language that gives real-time feedback and can be easily incorporated into existing Objective-C code.  Some of the top apps that use Swift are Khan Academy, LinkedIn, Airbnb and Eventbrite. Swift ranks #10 in programming languages according to TIOBE index.

Benefits Of Swift Language

Apple describes its Swift language as “Objective-C without the C”.  Reason – Swift is as fast and efficient as Objective-C and also gives real-time feedback.  Swift offers clean syntax, safer platform, fewer legacy codes, great speed and above all, can be easily incorporated into existing Objective-C code. 

What you will learn

  • Swift fundamentals:
    Understand and learn the Swift environment and master the Swift syntax.
  • Swift features:
    Understand and learn the best practices and features of Swift to create your own app.
  • Data Structures & Functions:
    Explore the basic topics of Swift like Variables, Types, Data Structures and Functions.
  • Advanced concepts:
    Understand and learn the advanced topics of Swift like Closures, protocols and memory management
  • Design patterns:
    Explore the different design patterns of Swift and how they can be implemented in Swift.

Who should attend

  • Programmers
  • Freshers
  • Anyone who wants to become an iOS Developer

You will learn to:

  • Write Programs in Swift
  • Create simple Swift Projects
  • Implement best practices while writing Swift Code

We provide the course in English.



1 Introduction to Swift
Learning Objectives:

Understand the basic syntax for Swift. Explore the different features available.

  • Variables, Types
  • Functions – Classes, Structs
  • Access Control
  • Properties
  • Data Structures
  • Enums
  • Closures
  • Protocols
  • Memory Management
  • Generic Programming
  • Subscripts

Hands On

  • All topics are hands-on with Swift Playgrounds.

2 Design Patterns
Learning Objectives:

Explore different design patterns and how they can be implemented in Swift.

  • Extensions
  • Protocols
  • Singleton
  • Protocol Oriented Programming

3 Swift Project

  • Design
  • Implementation



Participants who wish to take this training should have prior knowledge on programming language constructs.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.