This workshop walks you through the characteristics of microservices architecture and teaches how to break large systems into individual components that can work together collaboratively. You will learn to create microservices rapidly by leveraging Spring Boot’s preconfigured features and Spring Cloud. You will gain practical experience by working through the exercises featuring Spring Cloud, and will also get a brief introduction to Spring Boot and Spring Data. Through use cases and hands-on practicals, you will learn how to work on real-life projects.
What You Will Learn:
- Centralized, versioned configuration management using Spring Cloud Config
- Dynamic configuration updates with Spring Cloud Bus
- Service discovery with Spring Cloud Eureka
- Client Side Load Balancing with Ribbon
- Declarative REST Clients with Feign
- Software Circuit Breakers with Hystrix.
- Use Spring Boot to build standalone web applications and RESTful services
- Secure the transport layer via HTTPS
- Implement asynchronous messaging with JMS
- Build Microservices
- Use Netflix OSS to implement patterns for service discovery, load balancing, fault tolerance, etc
Who should attend
- App developers who want to learn Spring Boot with a focus on fundamentals
- Aspiring Spring Designers, Developers and Microservices developers
- Java professionals who wish to learn Web Development with Spring as the backend
By the end of the course
You will get advanced knowledge of Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and can work on any complex project in real time.
We provide the course in English.