1. Course Overview and Exam Techniques
Learning objectives
Get an introduction to PRINCE2 Practitioner, with an outline of the structure of PRINCE2 Practitioner. Recognize the exam style and techniques.
Introduction and Exam technique
Overview of PRINCE2 Practitioner
Course structure
Exam style and technique
2. PRINCE2 Principles
Learning objectives
Refresh your memory on the PRINCE2 principles. Explain the roles responsible for a specific activity, and how we handle the documentation relating to decisions on tailoring the project.
Review of PRINCE2 principles
PRINCE2 principles – a quick recap
Deeper dive into PRINCE2 Principles – Part 1
Deeper dive into PRINCE2 Principles – Part 2
Tailor to suit the Project environment
3. PRINCE2 Themes
Learning objectives
Review the seven PRINCE2 themes and understand how to apply the themes in a project – case study.
Review of the 7 PRINCE2 themes
Recap of PRINCE2 themes
Case study
4. The Business Case Theme
Learning objectives
Review the Business Case themes, recall the application of the business case theme in a PRINCE2 project, and explain different roles and their responsibilities in the business case theme.
PRINCE2 Theme: Business Case
Recap of the Business Case theme
Applying the Business Case theme
Roles and responsibilities in the Business Case theme
Case study
5. The Organization Theme
Learning objectives
Review the Organization theme, list and explain the roles and responsibilities in the organization theme, and understand tailoring organization themes within a project.
PRINCE2 theme: Organization
The three primary stakeholder interests
Levels of management
Mandated project management team roles
Roles and responsibilities in the organization theme
Case study organisation theme reviewed
Organisation responsibilities
Tailoring the Organisation theme
6. The Quality Theme
Learning objectives
Recall the purpose of quality theme, tailor and set up an effective quality management process and apply the recommended quality review techniques to a project.
PRINCE2 theme: Quality
Purpose and key terms in the Quality theme
Quality planning and quality control
Quality management
Quality review techniques
Quality register
Case study
7. The Plans Theme
Learning objectives
Review the purpose of the plans theme, tailor and set up an effective plan and apply the product-based planning techniques for effective project management.
PRINCE2 theme: Plans
Purpose and benefits of the Plans theme
Requirements for the Plans theme
Roles and responsibilities in the Plans theme
The PRINCE2 approach to the Plans theme
Techniques used
Case study
8. The Risk Theme
Learning objectives
Review the purpose of risk theme, tailor and set up an effective Risk theme and describe the roles and responsibilities in the risk theme.
PRINCE2 theme: Risk
Purpose and key terms of the Risk theme
Roles and responsibilities in the Risk theme
Recommended Risk management procedure – Part 1
Recommended Risk management procedure – Part 2
Case study
9. The Change Theme
Learning objectives
Review the purpose of the Change Theme, apply the fundamentals of setting up effective change control in a project and discuss the recommended issue and change control procedures in accordance with the PRINCE2 framework.
PRINCE2 theme: Change
Purpose and key terms of the Change theme
Approach, roles and responsibilities of the Change theme
General tailoring considerations
Issue and change control procedure
Case study
10. The Progress Theme
Learning objectives
Review the purpose of the progress theme, apply the guidance provided on Progress for successful Progress Management and discuss the roles and responsibilities associated with Progress theme.
PRINCE2 theme: Progress
Purpose of the Progress theme
Requirements for managing Progress
Six tolerance aspects associated with Progress by level
Tolerance allocation
Event-driven and time-driven controls
Reviewing and reporting Progress and raising exceptions
Roles and responsibilities in the Progress theme
Guidance for effective Progress management
Case study
11. Process: Starting up a Project
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objective of the ‘starting up a project’ process, apply PRINCE2’s recommendations for tailoring products and roles and apply the guidance provided on starting up a project for successful starting up a project.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Starting Up a Project
Review of the purpose and objective of Starting up a Project
Activities on Starting up a Project
Outline business case and project brief
Case study
12. Process: Directing a Project
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objective of the ‘directing a project’ process and apply PRINCE2’s recommendations for tailoring roles in a project.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Directing a Project
Overview of Directing a Project
Activities on Directing a Project
Case study
13. Process: Initiating a Project
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objectives of the ‘initiating a project process, and tailor considerations for effective project management using PRINCE2.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Initiating a Project
Purpose of Initiating a Project
Activities on Initiating a Project – Part 1
Activities on Initiating a Project – Part 2
Guidance to tailoring in Initiating a Project
Case study
14. Process: Controlling a Stage
Learning objectives
Review the process and object of purpose of the ‘Controlling a Stage’ process, and apply guidelines for tailoring products and roles for project success.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Controlling a Stage
Purpose and objective of Controlling a Stage
Activities on Controlling a Stage – Part 1
Activities on Controlling a Stage – Part 2
Activities on Controlling a Stage – Part 3
Activities on Controlling a Stage – Part 4
Tailoring considerations for Controlling a Stage
Case study
15. Process: Managing Product Delivery
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objective of ‘managing product delivery’ process, and discuss guidelines for tailoring products and roles in ‘managing product delivery’ process.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Managing Product Delivery
Purpose and objective of Managing Product Delivery
Activities on Managing Product Delivery
Tailoring considerations for Managing Product Delivery
Case study
16. Process: Managing a Stage Boundary
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objective of ‘managing a stage boundary’ process and apply guidelines for tailoring products and roles in a project environment.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Managing a Stage Boundary
Purpose of Managing a Stage Boundary
Activities on Managing a Stage Boundary – Part 1
Activities on Managing a Stage Boundary – Part 2
Tailoring considerations for Managing a Stage Boundary
Case study
17. Process: Closing a Project
Learning objectives
Review the purpose and objective of the ‘Closing a Project’ process and apply guidelines for tailoring products and roles during closing a project.
Review of PRINCE2 process: Closing a Project
Purpose of Closing a Project
Activities on Closing a Project
Tailoring considerations for Managing a Stage Boundary
Case study
18. Exam Preparation
Learning objectives
In this module, you will learn everything you need about exam preparation and how to pass the exam in the first attempt.
PRINCE2 Exam Preparation – Part 1
PRINCE2 Exam Preparation – Part 2
2 Sample PRINCE2 Foundation Exams
PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Exams