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Ruby Course with Certification

Időtartam: 6 nap

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737590Ft + ÁFA

737590 Ft + ÁFA

Ruby is an object-oriented penmanship language which can be used independently or as a part of Ruby-on-Rails web framework. Ruby is a programming language that has an elegant syntax which is easy to write and natural to read. Multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented and functional programming are all supported by Ruby language.
This course on Ruby helps you find a firm footing in the web development industry in minimal time, and at a reasonable price. You will learn directly from industry experts and will be well-equipped to build and deploy interactive and data-driven websites and applications. With maximum exposure to industry-relevant projects, you will become an expert at creating server-side web application frameworks.

Benefits of Ruby

Given the flexible and scalable nature of Ruby, it is widely regarded as a simplicity and productivity-focused programming language. Owing to its manifold benefits, it is fast becoming one of the most popular Web application frameworks.  It runs on multiple operating systems and web browsers. It adopts changes easily and covers both front and back-end designs. Ruby has the ability to write multi-threaded applications with simple API. It has better security features, is a debugger, has a rich collection of libraries that facilitate and speed up development and has options for test automation.

Individual Benefits

  • Programming techniques and other basic fundamentals of language
  • To write your own script and run them on different operating systems.
  • Ability to earn a higher salary even at a beginner level
  • You can get an understanding of OOPs and learn to program using Ruby.

Organizational benefits

  • Reliability and Maintainability
  • Web application performance
  • Integrations
  • Digital transformations
  • Simple debugging

What you will learn

  • Introduction
    Get introduced to all the concepts surrounding Ruby while gaining knowledge to install the same.
  • Basics – I
    Gather the knowledge on Ruby Operators, Ruby Variables, Ruby Data Types, and Class Hierarchy.
  • Basics – II
    Get an in-depth understanding of Objects and Classes, Hashes, Methods, String, and Type Casting.
  • Regular Expressions
    Learn to write regular expressions that enables you find specific patterns inside strings.
  • Exception Handling
    Gain knowledge of ruby in order to handle errors that occur during the execution of a program.
  • Files and I/O
    Learn all the basic I/O functions available in Ruby to implement its methods in the Kernel module.
  • Miscellaneous
    Understand the concepts around Mixins, Proc and Lambda, Ranges, Boolean, Date and Time, Ruby Gems.

Who should attend

  • Candidates with an interest in the programming field who want to learn Ruby
  • Those new to Ruby or self-taught, looking for a more robust, OOP LanguageSoftware
  • Engineers/developers interested in learning the fundamentals of OOPs
  • Experienced developers looking for a platform/domain change

You will

  • get advanced knowledge of Ruby and how to use it in real life business
  • get an understanding of OOPS
  • learn to program using Ruby

By the end of this course, you would have gained knowledge on the use of OOP techniques and the Ruby language. You will be able to write your own Ruby scripts and run them on different operating systems. This will help you land jobs as a programmer.

We provide the course in English.



1 Introduction to Ruby
Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will learn to install Ruby on different operating systems / platforms.Get an introduction to Ruby and OOPS concepts.Also learn the fundamentals of Ruby and know about the structure of Ruby Classes.


  • Introduction to Ruby
  • Installing Ruby
  • Installing Devkit
  • Object Oriented Programming concepts
  • Ruby – IRB
  • Ruby Operators
  • Ruby Variables
  • Ruby Data Types
  • Class Hierarchy

Hands-on workshop description:
Assignments/Code Practice/Quizzes will be provided on the topics IRB operations,Installation,Variables,Operators.

2 Ruby Basics
Learning Objectives:
In this module, we will explore more data types in detail.Learn the syntax and semantics of Objects with Classes.Also learn about Control structures.


  • Objects and Classes
  • Array
  • Hashes
  • Methods
  • Numbers
  • String
  • Type Casting
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops

Hands-on workshop description:
Assignments/Code Practice/Quizzes will be provided on the topics Classes,Array,Hash,String,Numbers and Control Structures

3 Ruby Advanced Topics
Learning Objectives:
Here you will dig deep inside the concepts of Ruby Programming Language. You will also learn different programming techniques to be used and explore Ruby Gems and libraries.


  • Regular Expressions
  • Modules
  • Mixins
  • Blocks
  • Proc and Lambda
  • Ranges
  • Exception Handling
  • Files and IO
  • Boolean
  • Date and Time
  • Ruby Gems

Hands-on workshop description:
Assignments/Code Practices/Quizzes will be provided on the topics “Regular Expressions,Modules,Mixin,Closures,Files,Ranges,Exceptions”


There are no specific prerequisites that you need to fulfill for taking up the Ruby 101 course. However, it is recommended for you to have the following knowledge:

  • Familiarity with the general principles of object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Prior exposure to object-oriented programming
  • Basic understanding of development principles
  • Basic knowledge of programming (any language)
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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.