1. Introduction to Spring Boot
Learning Objectives
Get introduced to Spring Boot in this Spring Boot course module. You will know the reasons to choose the Spring Boot framework and learn the differences between microservices and monolithic services. You will explore the characteristics of Spring Boot, and how Spring Boot is better than the initial Spring framework. You will gain a hands-on introduction to Spring Initializer and see the implementation of a project with Spring Initializer. You’ll understand how Spring Boot applications run.
Characteristics of Spring Boot
Hands on with Spring Initializr
How Spring Boot application runs
2. Dev Tools
Learning Objectives
In this module of our Spring Boot training, you will learn about the various Dev Tools and understand how to configure and implement them,
What are Dev Tools and how they work?
3. Performance Monitoring with Actuators
Learning Objectives
In this Spring Boot training module, you gain a hands-on understanding of actuators and its health endpoint. You will learn how to inject actuator dependency, followed by an understanding of the health endpoint. You will also learn about Info Endpoints.
You will understand how to enable Hidden Actuator Info Endpoint. You will implement Info Endpoint and finally look at practical applications of info endpoints
Performance Monitoring with Actuators
Actuators Info EndPoint
Actuators Info EndPoint
How to change Actuator Base URL to a Custom URL?
4. Profiling
Learning Objectives
In this module of our Java Spring Boot course, you will learn about different deployment environments available in the IT industry. With an introduction to profiling, you will implement dev. You will test, UAT and prod environment profiles. Next, you will learn about the configuration required to change the port number, and the configuration required to set an active profile.
You will also learn about some PowerShell commands, which can be leveraged to solve this problem.
Different Deployment Environments in IT Industry
Resolving ‘Port already in use’ issue
5. Model Design
Learning Objectives
In this Spring Boot online course module, you will start with understanding the naming convention to follow while creating new packages in the Spring Boot application. You’ll also learn about component scan and how it works, create a model class and implement the concept of encapsulation in it.
You’ll learn about shortcuts in Eclipse IDE, to generate all the POJO methods. Finally, you will learn about CommandLineRunner. With an introduction to CommandLineRunner, you’ll understand how it works and when it is used. You will also test the model design with the command-line runner.
Model Design, Package naming convention and Component Scan
Test Model Design with CommandLineRunner
6. Introduction to the Lombok Framework
Learning Objectives
In this Spring Boot course module, you will learn about the Lombok Framework. Starting with an introduction to the Lombok framework, you will understand the meaning of boilerplate code and how the Lombok framework helps us.
You will configure the Lombok framework. You will also learn how to get rid of Boilerplate code with Lombok annotations such as at the rate getter, at the rate setter and at the rate To String. You will learn how to fix background issues generated by the Lombok framework with a quick fix and finally look at viewing the outline of the class in Eclipse IDE.
Introduction to Lombok Framework
First time configuration of Lombok
Get rid of boilerplate code with Lombok annotation
7. Understanding the Controller Tier
Learning Objectives
In this Spring Boot certification module, you will learn about the Lombok Framework. Starting with an introduction to the Lombok framework, you will understand the meaning of boilerplate code and how the Lombok framework helps us.
You will configure the Lombok framework. You will also learn how to get rid of Boilerplate code with Lombok annotations. Finally, you will learn how to fix background issues generated by the Lombok framework with a quick fix and finally look at viewing the outline of the class in Eclipse IDE.
Introduction to Controllers, Mapping Methods, and DispatcherServlet
Difference between @RestController and @Controller Annotations; use of @GetMapping Annotation
Using @Data to cut down Lombok boilerplate code
Create a POST API; install and use Postman Plugin in the Chrome browser
8. Introduction to Swagger API
Learning Objectives
With this Spring Boot course module, you will understand the default API info visible on Swagger UI. You will learn to customize API info. You will learn how to configure Swagger UI.
Configuring Swagger UI
Customizing API Info
9. Advanced Concept Implementation in Controller Tier
Learning Objectives
In this Java Spring Boot training module, you will learn about the use of Lombok annotations, @AllArgs constructor, and @NoArgs constructor. You will implement the constructor injection pattern with @AllArgs Constructor and @NoArgs constructor annotations.
You will be introduced to the telescoping constructor design pattern, followed by its implementation. Then, you will understand when to use the telescoping constructor design pattern. You will also learn about the best alternative to telescoping constructor design pattern, that is the builder pattern and how to implement the builder pattern by leveraging the Lombok annotation at the rate builder.
You will learn about complex object creation with the builder design pattern. You will understand complex objects and learn about the difference between simple and complex objects. Also, you will understand and implement complex object creation with builder design pattern, and finally test the application code with the help of CommandLineRunner.
@AllArgsConstructor and @NoArgsConstructor
Telescoping Constructor Design Pattern
Builder Pattern
Complex Object Creation with Builder Design Pattern
10. Understanding Service Tier
Learning Objectives
In this Java Spring Boot certification module, you’ll learn to create a service class. You will start with an introduction to service class and service tier, then create a service class and finally understand the use of at the rate component annotation.
You wil learn about the Lombok annotation at the rate Slf4j. Implement info level logger at the rate SLf4j in the service class. You will hit some APIs to execute the log statements and view them on the console. Then, you will look at the logging levels supported by at the rate SLf4j and understand the functional style of logging and testing the application with CommandLineRunner and Swagger UI.
Introduction to Service Class
Initializing Logger with Lombok Annotation @Slf4j
11. Introduction to Embedded Database H2
Learning Objectives
In this Spring Boot training module, you will start with an introduction to embedded database and then understand where to use the embedded H2 database.
You will learn how to use H2 console UI. You will start by learning how to access the H2 console, followed by learning how to use it for executing queries.
Embedded Database H2
Configuring H2 Database
How to Use H2 console UI
12. What are Entities?
Learning Objectives
You will understand what entity classes are and how they get mapped to database tables. You will learn about the difference between POJO and entity classes by designing the entity class bookstore. You will learn how to create an entity class with the JPA annotations at the rate Entity and at the rate ID and access the mapped table using the H2 console UI. Finally, you will learn how to use a true console UI to insert values in the derived table of the entity class.
What are Entity Classes?
Difference between POJO and Entity classes
13. Understand and implement JPA with Spring Boot
Learning Objectives
You will learn about JPA and Hibernate. You will look at what they are and their uses. You will learn how to create a Spring Boot repository using JPA. You will create a bookstore repository and then extend it with the JPA repository interface.
You will learn how to create a POST API called create bookstore. You will also create a GET API called get bookstores. You will then create a GET API called get bookstore by ID. You will create a GET API called get bookstore Which Has Particular Books. You will create a GET API called get Book Stores in Paged Format. You will create a GET API called countBookStores. Then, you will create a GET API called bookStoreExistById.
You will create a PUT API called update BookStoreName. You will then create a Delete API called deleteBookStoreById. Finally, you will create a Delete API called truncateBookStore in the BookstoreCRUDServiceIMPL class and test the method with the CommandLineRunner.
JPA and Hibernate
Creating a Spring Boot Repository
Create a POST API ‘createBookStore()’
Create a GET API ‘getBookStores()’
Create a GET API ‘getBookStoreById()’
Create a GET API for particular books
Create a GET API getBookStoresInPagedFormat()
Create a GET API countBookStores()
Create a GET API bookStoreExistById()
Create a PUT API updateBookStoreName()
Create a DELETE API deleteBookStoreById()
Create a DELETE API truncateBookStore()
14. Exception Handling in Spring Boot
Learning Objectives
You will understand the difference between compile-time and runtime exceptions. You will implement runtime exceptions in the bookstore application.
Finally, you will implement compile-time exceptions in a bookstore application.
Compile time and Runtime Exceptions
Implement Runtime exception
Compile-time exceptions in Library Applications
15. Creating Custom Exception
Learning Objectives
You will learn about creating and implementing custom runtime exceptions. You will start with creating a custom runtime exception class BookStoreNotFoundRuntime ExceptionClass. Then, you are going to modify the updateBookstoreName method, and throw this new custom runtime exception.
You will learn to create and implement a custom compile-time exception. You will do this by creating a BookstoreNotFoundException class, modifying the updateBookStoreName method, and throwing the BookstoreNotFoundException.
Creating and Implementing Custom Runtime Exception
Creating and Implementing a Custom Compile Time Exception
16. Exception Handler in Spring Boot
Learning Objectives
In this module of our Java Spring Boot course, you will learn what custom exception handler is in Spring Boot. You will learn to create responseErrorDto to class. You will create a response error DTO class with variables such as timestamp, and a list of error messages.
You will handle custom runtime exceptions. You will learn about @RestControllerAdvice and @ControllerAdvice annotations. You will learn how to create an exception handler method to handle the custom compile-time exception.
You will create an exception handler method to handle global runtime exception. You will create an exception handler method to handle global compile-time exceptions. Finally, you will learn to create and implement a custom compile-time exception.
Custom Exception Handler
Creating ResponseErrorDto Class
Handling Custom Runtime Exceptions
@RestControllerAdvice and @ControllerAdvice annotations
Handling Custom Compile Time Exception
Handling Global Runtime Exceptions
Handling Global Compile Time Exceptions
17. Spring Cloud Configuration Management
Learning Objectives
You will learn what configuration management is. You will learn the different tools we can use for configuration management. You will then explore the dependencies required for a Spring Boot Cloud Config Server project and look @enable Config Server annotation.
You will get a walk through the Spring Cloud Config Client 1 project. You will Learn how to point the Spring Cloud Config Server to a remote Git repository by first creating a remote Git repository and then pushing the changes from the local Git repository to the remote Git repository.
You will learn how to refresh imported properties. You will also learn how to manage configurations for multiple projects. Finally, you will create and implement a custom compile-time exception.
Introduction to Configuration Management
Tools for Configuration Management
Spring Boot Cloud Config Server Project
Spring Cloud Config Client 1 Project
Pointing the Spring Cloud Config Server to Remote Git Repo
Refresh Imported Properties
Managing Configurations for Multiple Projects
18. Spring Cloud Inter-Process Communication
Learning Objectives
You will learn what configuration management is. You will learn the different tools we can use for configuration management. You will then explore the dependencies required for a Spring Boot Cloud Config Server project and look @enable Config Server annotation.
You will get a walk through the Spring Cloud Config Client 1 project. You will learn how to point the Spring Cloud Config Server to a remote Git repository by first creating a remote Git repository and then pushing the changes from the local Git repository to the remote Git repository.
You will learn how to refresh imported properties. You will also learn how to manage configurations for multiple projects. Finally, you will create and implement a custom compile-time exception.
Inter-Process Communication
Implementing Inter-Process Communication with OpenFeign
19. Deployment
Learning Objectives
In this module, you will learn how to create a security group in AWS. You will Understand what a security group is and then create one, which you can also use for any EC2 instance in the future.
While creating the security group, you will set some inbound and outbound rules. The inbound rules will allow the ipv4 and ipv6 source traffic and SSH TCP protocol port 22 sources. The outbound rules will allow all ipv4 destination traffic.
You’ll look at how to deploy an application to AWS EC2 service. You will follow the instructions written in the EC2 Deployment Guide provided and deploy the Spring Boot bookstore design application to an AWS EC2 Linux instance.
Create a Security Group in AWS
Deployment to AWS EC2 Service
20. Capstone Project
Capstone Project
As part of this Capstone project, you are going to design a Parking Lot Application, which can be used for keeping track of vehicles parked in the parking lot.