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UiPath Training

Időtartam: 8 nap

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737.590 Ft + ÁFA / Fő

As more and more organizations look for ways to improve their process efficiency, Robotic Process Automation continues to gain a foothold, with companies the world over moving towards RPA tools. Technology bots are used to perform automated processes by mimicking the human workforce, with significant advantages in reliability, consistency, availability, accuracy and instant scalability. All these combined with the ability to ensure better quality products has made RPA a must-have for organizations.
UiPath is a premier RPA tool that encompasses all these qualities and allows users to reduce rote work and bring in robotic automation. Understanding of RPA and UiPath is a crucial skill to have for software developers as more and more companies are now recruiting professionals with RPA expertise.

What You Will Learn

  • Start your journey with an introduction to RAP UiPath Studio
  • Gain practical knowledge on UiPath studio
  • Learn about Variables, Data Types & Control Flows
  • Create workflows using diagrams and flowcharts
  • Learn how to deal with different types of data with data manipulation
  • Learn different types of recording modes
  • Understand about advanced UI components and How to interact with them
  • Learn about the different types of selectors and use of selectors
  • Learn how to extract data from Images and Text field
  • Learn about Excel activities and data tables activities
  • Understand how to read and retrieve data from PDF file
  • Learn about Email activities and how to send, read, write email
  • Learn programming concepts, line-by-line execution of the code/processes and find out the errors
  • Know how to handle exceptions using try & catch activity
  • Learn about the Project creation and execution

Who should Attend?

  • Fresher graduates, Working professionals
  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Those who want to start a career in Robotic Process Automation

We provide the course in English.



1 Introduction to UiPath
Learning Objectives:

  • In this module, you will learn about RPA concepts and UiPath basic concepts.

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Setup and Configure UiPath Studio To understand GUI of UiPath Learn all different Activities in UiPath

2 Variables, Data Types & Control Flows
Learning Objectives:
In this module you will get to know the basics of automation and working with UiPath. We start with an introduction to the UiPath Studio layout (Activities Panel, Workflow Designer and Properties Panel). We will then cover how to search for activities and add them to the workflow and how to create and use variables. Finally we will cover the basics of how Flowcharts and Sequences work.


  • Variables & Data Types Introduction Lesson
  • Variables & Data Types Part 1 – Theoretical basics Video
  • Variables & Data Types Part 2 – Practical examples
  • Control Flow Introduction Lesson
  • Control Flow Part 1 – If/Else Statements
  • Control Flow Part 2 – Loops
  • Control Flow Part 3 – Advanced Control Flow

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Create a new Flowchart and call it Simple Flow Decision.
  • Drag a Message Box activity below the start node. Fill in the Message property field with the mathematical question (e.g. 1 + 1 = 2 ?) Set the Buttons property to YesNo.
  • Create an output variable called answer to capture the user’s choice

3 Data Manipulation
Learning Objectives:
In practice there are scenarios when you have to modify the data you are given. A common example might be fetching a full name and then splitting it into its individual components. In this module we will cover the methods which allow you to deal with this type of scenario.


  • Data Manipulation Introduction
  • Data Manipulation Part 1 – Scalar variables, collections, tables
  • Data Manipulation Part 2 – Text manipulation
  • Data Manipulation Part 3 – Gathering and assembling data

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Nickname_Generator

Nickname Generator. Make a sequence that:
Uses an Input Dialog activity to ask for the user’s first name.
Uses an Input Dialog activity to ask for the user’s last name.
Creates a nickname using the first 3 letters of first name, in all uppercase, combined with the first 3 letters of the last name, in all lowercase.
Displays a message box with the user’s generated nickname.

  • Find_The_Password

Somebody hid a password so it is not easily read. More specifically:
Replace “_” with “  “.
If the password starts with “r”,”%” is replaced with “$”.
Added a random number of spaces at the beginning and at the end of the word so you don’t know where it starts nor where it ends.

4 Recording
Learning Objectives:
The recorders are a set of wizards that enable you to quickly create simple automations skeletons which you can later modify. In this module we will cover the four types of recorders: Basic, Desktop, Web and Citrix and also the two different types of recording methods: step by step and automatic. We will use these functions to automate Notepad, a custom form application and a website.


  • Recording Introduction
  • Recording Part 1 – Basic and desktop recording
  • Recording Part 2 – Web recording
  • Workflows

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Notepad_Recording: Will learn how to perform record and playback on desktop based application.
  • Web_Recording: Will learn how to perform record and playback on web based application.

5 Advanced UI Interaction
Learning Objectives:
There are two types of User Interface interactions that can appear: Input – inserting data into an application, and Output – reading data from an application. In this module we will cover the three main Input methods: Hardware Events(default), Send Windows Messages and Simulate, and the three main Output methods: FullText, Native and OCR. We will use the Notepad application to show the different behavior. We will also go over the Data Scraping Wizards which is used to extract structured or tabular data from various applications.


  • Advanced UI Interaction Introduction
  • Advanced UI Interaction Part 1 – Input/Output methods
  • Advanced UI Interaction Part 2 – Screen scraping
  • Advanced UI Interaction Part 3 – Data scraping

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Change_Font
  • Create a sequence that will read and set font, size, and style in Notepad without using the recorder:
  • Navigate to the font popup window
  • Read the size and style
  • Set the font to Arial, increase the size by 5, set the style to Italic, and choose a new script
  • Use variables and the correct scopes

6 Selectors
Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will learn about various types of selectors. How to use selectors. Selectors are the way we identify User Interface elements on the screen. They are a xml string which contain some properties that uniquely define the specific element. In this module we will take a look at the components of a selector, incidents that can appear when defining a selector and how to solve them.


  • Selectors Introduction
  • Selectors Part 1 – What are they? /Defining Selectors/ Accessing Selectors
  • Selectors Part 2 – Customization and
  • Selectors Part 3 – Dynamic Selectors
  • Selectors Part 4 – RPA Challenge

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Full_vs_Basic_Selectors

Create a sequence to compare partial and full selectors using a short recording session.
First, use the Basic Recorder with an instance of Notepad to record typing and deleting text, and then clicking the close button.
Next, use the Desktop Recorder to do the same 3 actions.
Observe the differences between the structures of the sequences.
Look at the differences in selectors in the Type Into activity in both sequences.

  • Web_Selectors

Create a selector that works on different uses of the same webpage.
Open the (Google) calendar and highlight the link on the 15th of the current month
Parametrize the selector in order to highlight a day number from a variable (for example the user could provide it or could be the default value of available)
Try highlighting the 28th of the current month. Please keep in mind that the same day (28 in our case) might appear more than once in the calendar table, so make sure you get the one for the current month all the time instead of the 28th of the last month.

7 Image and Text Automation
Learning Objectives:
Citrix automation is commonly perceived as a virtualized environment. In this case the User Interface is represented as an image so we cannot interact directly with the application through the operating system. In this module we will cover some methods used in Citrix automation: Image, Text and Keystrokes Automations. We will also get to see and use the Citrix recorder.


  • Image and Text Automation Introduction
  • Image and Text Automation Part 1 – Image-based automation: Basic Citrix Recording
  • Image and Text Automation Part 2 – Image-based automation: Keyboard Automation
  • Image and Text Automation Part 3 – Image-based automation: Retrieve Information

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Image_and_Text_Automation_Workflows
  • Open a Remote Desktop Connection.
  • Download AnyTeller and make it run in the remote screen.
  • Create a robot that inputs values for Cash In, On Us Check and Not On Us Check and then clicks Accept.
  • Automate ExpenseIT screen:
  • Download the ExpenseIt application and add a new expense by only using image/text and hotkeys.

8 Excel & Data Tables
Learning Objectives:
Excel is a widely used application for working with tabular data. In this module we will cover the activities specific to Excel and tabular data known in UiPath Studio as datatables. We will also take a look at the two different ways we can interact with Excel (application integration and file access) and how to work with defined ranges and tables.


  • Excel & Data Tables Introduction
  • Excel & Data Tables Part1 – Excel and Data Tables: Basic Interactions
  • Excel & Data Tables Part 2 – Data Process

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Excel and Data Tables:

Practically all of the activities to be done should be contained inside an Excel
Application Scope. The first step after creating one of those is to read the Excel file.
Excel Application Scope activity to execute the task of reading the workbook.

Learning Objectives:
PDF is a widely used format for sharing documents. In this module we will take a look at the types of PDF documents and the methods you have at your disposal when trying to extract data from a PDF document. We will also take a look at the anchor functionality which is used when dealing with unstable selectors.


  • PDF Introduction
  • PDF Part 1 – Extracting data from PDF
  • PDF Part 2 – Extracting a single piece of data
  • PDF Part 3 – Anchor base activity

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Example on PDF Workflows and Anchor_Base Activity:
  • Attach to the PDF Reader window using an Attach Window activity.

10 E-mail Automation
Learning Objectives:
Email is the oldest form of digital communication between people and to this day, many business processes are still triggered by a simple email. We use to keep close to our inbox and there are many tasks that can be automated to help us save valuable time.


  • E-mail Automation Introduction
  • E-mail Automation Part 1 – Interacting with e-mails
  • E-mail Automation Part 2 – Sending e-mails

Hands-on workshop description:

  • E-mail Rules:

Depending on what mail server / client you are using, the properties due to be set might be different, however the logic and activities would be similar. When using in this walkthrough Get Outlook Mail Mail Messages, it refers mostly to Get XXX Mail Messages, which XXX could be POP3, IMAP, Exchange, Outlook.

11 Debugging & Exception Handling
Learning Objectives:
Debugging helps you identify and remove unwanted behavior and errors from your workflows. Debugging is a staple of software development and in this module we will cover the tools you have at your disposal when tackling problems in your code. In the first part of the session we will take a look at the Debug tab and the features available and we will continue with understanding some of the more common errors and how to solve them. In the last part of this module we will take a look at the TryCatch Activity.


  • Debugging and Exception Handling Introduction
  • Debugging and Exceptions Part 1 – UiPath debugging tools
  • Debugging and Exceptions Part 2 – Solving input issues
  • Debugging and Exceptions Part 3 – Catching errors

Hands-on workshop description:

  • Debugging and Exception Handling Using Programming Activity in UiPath Different ways of Error Handling When trying to run first time, you’ll notice that the workflow fails with “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” message when executing the Assign.

12 Project Organization
Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will learn how to build a project and organize the project.


  • Project Organization Introduction
  • Project Organization Part 1 – Fundamental best practices
  • Project Organization Part 2 – Practice with Invoke Command
  • Project Organization Part 3 – Project Organization example



Participants are expected to have beginner’s knowledge of a programming language.

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Apple IT Excellence Series

Idén is a legfrissebb IT rendszermérnöki információkat hozzuk a számotokra. Technikai újítások, az Apple IT ökoszisztéma működése és sikeres nagyvállalati példák Magyarországról.