Calendar of Események
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0 esemény,
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6 esemény,
Azure Security Engineer Certification
Learning the basics of security engineering will provide you with a head start in your career as there is a demand for digital privacy and security across the world. Our Microsoft Azure Security Engineer course will give you all the skills needed to implement security controls, maintain security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities. This […]
Azure Data Engineering
Get started on a transformative journey with our Azure Data Engineering Certification training. Immerse yourself in live, instructor-led sessions, striking the perfect balance between classroom instruction and practical application. Stay ahead with the latest Microsoft-approved curriculum and access a digital library of rich learning resources. Proficiently analyze data on Azure, extracting meaningful insights in the […]
Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant
Are you a developer looking to hone your consulting and configuring skills? Create and configure apps and solutions and automate processes using the Microsoft Power Platform. This immersive four-day course will teach you how to take user requirements and translate them into beautiful yet custom user experiences by working with experts and stakeholders. This course […]
PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner
With this PRINCE2 course, you'll get set to develop versatile project management skills, enabling you to manage projects of varying types, sizes, complexities, and across different industries and geographies. Learn how to tailor projects to their specific environments, manage product delivery, control resource use, and effectively handle project risks. PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is […]
Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Certification
Enterprises around the world are moving their business to the cloud to ensure seamless customer experience, achieve superior workflow, meet market demands, and more, driving the demand for Microsoft certified Azure professionals. Our comprehensive training program gives you the confidence to take the Azure Developer Associate exam. From implementing cloud solutions and API management to […]
Azure AI Solution Certification Training
Has the Artificial Intelligence domain always interested you? Are you a software developer looking for the skills to build conversational AI solutions on Azure? If you're confident of your C# and Python, here's your chance to build, manage, and deploy AI solutions using Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework! This course […]
9 esemény,
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner®
You have shown your commitment to Agile by gaining the CSPO certification. But how will you distinguish yourself from other CSPOs? How will you ensure that your resume reflects your skillset, diligence, and commitment to continuous improvement? You can gain the Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner® (A-CSPO®) credential. With this credential, you will demonstrate to […]
Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative teams, complex systems, and geographies. This requires Agile to work across your enterprise to bring in the benefits of faster delivery, better-quality products, and quick response to your customer queries. However, large-scale agile transformation is […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
9 esemény,
9 esemény,
15 esemény,
ITIL®4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve with exam – tanfolyam és vizsga
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, angol nyelven lehet letenni. Ez a 3 napos, az ITIL®4 stratégiai irányú, az „irányítás, tervezés és továbbfejlesztés” (Direct, Plan and Improve – DPI) kérdéseivel foglalkozó képzési modul biztosítja mindazokat az ismereteket, […]
PowerBI IV – Adatbetöltés M nyelv használatával
Könnyű helyzetben vagyunk, ha az elemzésre szánt adatok SQL alapú szerveren találhatóak (MS SQL Server, Oracle, postgreSQL, mySQL stb.) és vagy mi magunk vagy közvetlen kollegánk megfelelő szaktudással (SSIS, T-SQL) rendelkezik az adatok szerver oldali előkészítéséhez szükséges szkriptek megírására. Az átlag üzleti elemző azonban nem készült SQL gurunak. Ők a Power Query Editor segítségével különböző, […]
Minőségirányítási vezető auditor képzés az ISO 9001:2015 szabvány alapján
Olyan szakismeret átadása, amely munkahelyük minőségügyi rendszerének auditálásához nélkülözhetetlen. Nemzetközi követelményrendszernek megfelelő képzésünk átad minden olyan alapvető ismeretet, amelyekkel belső és külső auditálási program és auditálási terv készítése, és az auditálás az ISO 9001-es rendszerszabvány követelményei szerint lehetővé válik. Az ismeretanyag hatékonyabb elsajátítása érdekében 10 főben maximalizáljuk a tanfolyami résztvevők létszámát.
PowerBI III – Üzleti intelligencia specifikumok
PowerBI használat során felmerült kérdések haladóbb megoldása komplexebb vizualizációk, kapcsolódó diagramok, egymásra épülő szeletelők komplexebb adamodellek kialakításának megvalósítása az üzleti elemzéshez használt DAX nyelv bonyolultabb szintaktikájú lehetőségei Célközönség: aki használt PowerBI-t aki az alaptudását szeretné mélyíteni aki az alapfunkciókon túli újdonságokra kíváncsi
Minőségirányítási vezető auditor képzés az ISO 9001:2015 szabvány alapján TÜV vizsgával
Olyan szakismeret átadása, amely munkahelyük minőségügyi rendszerének auditálásához nélkülözhetetlen. Nemzetközi követelményrendszernek megfelelő képzésünk átad minden olyan alapvető ismeretet, amelyekkel belső és külső auditálási program és auditálási terv készítése, és az auditálás az ISO 9001-es rendszerszabvány követelményei szerint lehetővé válik. Az ismeretanyag hatékonyabb elsajátítása érdekében 10 főben maximalizáljuk a tanfolyami résztvevők létszámát. Képzéssel megszerezhető dokumentum: ISO […]
DP-300T00: Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud, on-premises and hybrid relational databases and who work with the Microsoft PaaS relational database offerings. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL-based relational databases. The audience for this […]
Projektmenedzsment tanfolyam
A tanfolyam célja, hogy a hallgatók olyan elméleti és gyakorlati ismereteket sajátítsanak el, amelyek alapján képesek lesznek projektek tervezésére, menedzselésére, és a résztvevők közötti magas szintű kommunikáció lefolytatására.
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner
With this PRINCE2 course, you'll get set to develop versatile project management skills, enabling you to manage projects of varying types, sizes, complexities, and across different industries and geographies. Learn how to tailor projects to their specific environments, manage product delivery, control resource use, and effectively handle project risks. PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is […]
11 esemény,
PowerBI V. – Adatok elemzése DAX kifejezésekkel
A Power BI Desktopba betöltött adatokat szeretnénk elemezni. A mélyebb összefüggések meghatározásához, az elemzések több szempontból történő vizsgálatához számos esetben további számított oszlopok létrehozása, aggregált értékek kalkulálása, értékek összehasonlítása, dátum-idő intelligencia, hierarchia kialakítása szükséges. Ehhez nyújt hasznos segítséget a Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) képlet/függvény világa. A képletek írása első ránézésre emlékeztetnek a „klassszikus” Excelben használt […]
10 esemény,
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
PowerBI VI. – Dashboard-ok tervezése
Aki ezt a tanfolyamot nézte ki magának biztos készített már az elemzendő adatokból színes diagramot, egyszerű vagy látványos grafikont még tán riportot is, sőt dashboard-ot is állított össze? De tegyük fel bátran a kérdést mi is a dashboard definíciója? Mitől „jó” egy dashboard? Miért készült? Kinek készült? Mit szeretne bemutatni? A dashboard (tévhiteket elkerülve) nem […]
Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative teams, complex systems, and geographies. This requires Agile to work across your enterprise to bring in the benefits of faster delivery, better-quality products, and quick response to your customer queries. However, large-scale agile transformation is […]
8 esemény,
Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative teams, complex systems, and geographies. This requires Agile to work across your enterprise to bring in the benefits of faster delivery, better-quality products, and quick response to your customer queries. However, large-scale agile transformation is […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
9 esemény,
PowerBI VII. Üzleti elemzések, statisztikák, data science Python lehetőségek
Microsoft mindig híres volt az „adok valamit ingyen, használd, megjön a kedved, majd az extra szolgáltatásokért fizess” üzletpolitikáról. Power BI esetén a helyzet tökéletesen így van. Telepítsd a gépedre a Power BI Desktop-ot, ingyenes, használd. A készített riportjaidat publikáld a Service-re, ingyenes és nézegesd saját magad. A csavarás most kezdődik: ahhoz hogy a Service-n lévő […]
Kétlépcsős hitelesítés végfelhasználóknak
Időtartam: 2-3 óra Célközönség: Végfelhasználók Cél: Megérteni a kétlépcsős hitelesítés (2FA) fontosságát, működését, előnyeit, és gyakorlati használatát.
8 esemény,
Professional Scrum Product Owner™-Advanced
As a Product Owner or a Product Manager, you must realize the importance of Scrum in maximizing the utility of products and systems, but the Professional Scrum Product Owner™-Advanced Certification goes beyond and empowers you to successfully lead Scrum teams to create products with greater ROI and impact. The PSPO Advanced Certification delves deeper into […]
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner
With this PRINCE2 course, you'll get set to develop versatile project management skills, enabling you to manage projects of varying types, sizes, complexities, and across different industries and geographies. Learn how to tailor projects to their specific environments, manage product delivery, control resource use, and effectively handle project risks. PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is […]
PMI-ACP® (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner)
The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Certification is your route to honing Agile practices and techniques. Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), this reputed certification awards professionals who are able to showcase their understanding by passing the certification exam This course offers a comprehensive exploration of various Agile frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
11 esemény,
PMI-CAPM® Certification Training
Elevate your project management skills with a unique blend of 23 hours of live online training, led by industry experts. Who Should Attend This Course? Associate Project Managers Project Managers IT Project Managers Project Coordinators Project Analysts Project Leaders Senior Project Managers Team Leaders Product Managers Program Managers Project Sponsors Project Team Members will find value […]
Understanding Cisco WirelessFoundations
This course will help you: Learn the skills, technologies, and best practices needed to manage a Cisco WLAN network Understand and implement a Cisco wireless network architecture Design and implement WLAN maintenance and troubleshooting solutions.
AZ-801T00: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
A tanfolyam megtanít a Windows Server-szolgáltatások konfigurálására helyszíni, hibrid és felhőtechnológiák használatával, az Azure hibrid képességeinek kihasználására, a virtuális és fizikai kiszolgálói munkaterhelések áttelepítésére az Azure IaaS szolgáltatásba, valamint a Windows Servert futtató Azure virtuális gépek biztonságossá tételére. A képzés során bemutatjuk, hogyan végezzenek magas rendelkezésre állást, hibaelhárítást és katasztrófa utáni helyreállítást. A tanfolyam adminisztratív […]
AI-900T00–A: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
This course introduces fundamentals concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI), and the services in Microsoft Azure that can be used to create AI solutions. The course is not designed to teach students to become professional data scientists or software developers, but rather to build awareness of common AI workloads and the ability to identify Azure […]
MS-102T00: Microsoft 365 Administrator Essentials
This course covers the following key elements of Microsoft 365 administration: Microsoft 365 tenant management, Microsoft 365 identity synchronization, and Microsoft 365 security and compliance. In Microsoft 365 tenant management, you learn how to configure your Microsoft 365 tenant, including your organizational profile, tenant subscription options, component services, user accounts and licenses, security groups, and […]
ITIL®4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support with exam – tanfolyam és vizsga
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, angol nyelven lehet letenni. Ez a 4 napos, az ITIL®4 szakértők számára készült a „Fejlesztés, működtetés és támogatás”-ról (Create, Deliver and Support – CDS) szóló képzési modul kiterjed a szolgáltatásmenedzsment alaptevékenységeire, […]
20740 Windows Szerver kiszolgálók telepítése, üzemeltetése és a kiszolgálás funkcióinak megtervezése
20740 Windows Szerver kiszolgálók telepítése, üzemeltetése és a kiszolgálás funkcióinak megtervezése
Ez az ötnapos tanfolyam a Microsoft hivatalos Windows Szerver tanfolyamsorozatnak része. A tanfolyamsorozat elsősorban informatikai szakemberek számára készült, akik a Windows Szerverek üzemeltetését végzik vállalati környezetben, vagy arra szeretnének felkészülni. Ez az öt nap a következő területekre készíti fel a résztvevőket: A Windows Szerverek központi telepítésére, karbantartására, monitorozására; Az adattároló megoldások, helyi lemezek és storage […]
10 esemény,
AZ-104T00-A: Microsoft Azure Administrator
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution. This course is for Azure Administrators. […]
AI-102T00–A: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution
AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure AI Services, Azure AI Search, and Azure OpenAI. The course will use C# or Python as the programming language.
10 esemény,
12 esemény,
Professional Scrum Master™ I
Equip yourself with hands-on knowledge and skills in professional Scrum and distinguish yourself as an expert Scrum Master who can guide teams with real-world decision-making, especially when dealing with complexity. With our comprehensive training, you are sure to pass the exam with a high score. PSM is the abbreviation for Professional Scrum Master and it […]
Certified Scrum Product Owner – online
About Scrum is an agile product development management framework that is focused on helping teams to produce successful products that genuinely meet the needs of their customers. While originally used for the development of software based products, Scrum can be and has been used for non-software projects, including for change management. Scrum supports the introduction […]
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
14 esemény,
Enterprise Agile Coaching
Business Agility as defined by ScaledAgile is the ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging opportunities with innovative, digitally-enabled business solutions. Business Agility is the ultimate goal as it enables freedom, flexibility, and resilience within organizations to achieve their purpose. When working at the enterprise […]
SAFe® 6.0 for Teams Certification Training
Equip yourself with the skills to collaborate effectively with other teams and become a high-performing team member of an Agile Release Train (ART). In this three-day introductory course in its latest release (version 6.0), you will gain an in-depth understanding of the ART and how it delivers value. You will gain the skills to leverage […]
SAFe® 6 Agile Product Management
Acquire the skills to build solutions that are feasible, desirable, and sustainable. Become a skilled SAFe®6 Agile Product Manager by learning to incorporate design thinking in the Lean enterprise. Explore the market by assessing needs through techniques like segmentation. Gather feedback and accelerate delivery of products and solutions that delight customers. In this three-day, interactive […]
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
47 esemény,
AWS Security Engineer Certification Training
Master AWS security services and security practices that enhance data and systems security. The 24 hours Security Engineering on AWS course focuses on securing data and workloads in an AWS environment. Learn to use encryption to protect data. Manage and control access through permissions and authentications. Use automation to run periodic security checks. This course […]
Agile Estimating and Planning Training
Estimation and planning are the building blocks of an Agile project, and for the project to be successful, it is paramount that all team members learn about this crucial aspect of project development. Since Agile renders itself easily to change, the estimation and planning phase should be flexible enough to adapt to this change. Our […]
Agile and Scrum Certification
Get introduced to the incredible concepts of Agile and Scrum with this beginner’s skills development course. Start with the basics of Agile and its foundations (values, principles and pillars) and move on to learn about the various Agile variants including Scrum, Kanban, XP and their tools. Master Agile Project Management (APM) and the 5-stage process […]
Agile User Stories
For an Agile project, the user story reflects a high-level requirement of a particular feature and helps create a simplified description of the feature. Writing good user stories is fundamental to the success of the project, as it defines the goal that needs to be achieved at the end of each sprint. It influences everything, […]
Agile Leadership Skills Training
The business world around us is in a state of continual flux; and unless you are ready to adapt to these changes you will soon be left behind. As a leader in this rapidly evolving Agile market, you must be willing to keep up with new adaptations to stay ahead of your peers. Start to […]
The Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS
The 32 hours Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS course helps you understand how to use the Machine Learning Pipeline to solve real business problems in a project-based environment. Understand the three major business problems – Fraud Detection, Recommendation Engines or Flight Delays and learn about the various phases of the pipeline to minimize problems and […]
Devops Engineering on AWS Certification
In this 24 Hours of Live Interactive Trainer-Led course learn to use a combination of DevOps philosophies, practices, and tools to improve your organization’s ability to develop, deliver, and maintain applications and services at high velocity on AWS. The DevOps Engineering on AWS course will get you ready to understand topics like Continuous Integration (CI), […]
Deep Learning on AWS
This 8 hours Deep Learning on AWS course is designed to help you get acquainted with advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts. By the end of the course, you will learn how to deploy Deep Learning on AWS. This is an advanced level training course that helps you to develop advanced Machine Learning and Deep […]
Architecting on AWS Accelerator Certification Training
Leverage this 10-day (4 hours each) program to get an immersive experience of architecting on AWS. You will learn the AWS Well-Architected Framework. Improve your understanding of topics like compute, storage, database, networking, security, monitoring, automation, optimization, benefits of decoupling applications and serverless, building for resilience, and optimizing costs. Start from the basics and grow […]
AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Training
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course is 16 hours fundamental-level course for individuals who are looking to get an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud and start their journey towards a successful and in-demand cloud domain. As AWS holds the lion's share of 32% in the cloud infrastructure market, there is no better time to start […]
AWS Technical Essentials Certification Training
AWS is the leading provider for cloud computing. Cloud computing has made apps more capable and easily scalable. Learning how to operate in an AWS environment and to use the range of AWS tools will help you build, deploy, and maintain high performing, secure, and reliable applications that can offer modern solutions that address customer […]
AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
This 24 hours "Developing on AWS" course is a transformative learning experience designed to empower you with the skills needed to build dynamic cloud-based applications using AWS SDKs. As technology continues to advance, cloud computing has become a cornerstone for innovative and scalable solutions, and AWS stands at the forefront of this digital revolution. In this comprehensive […]
Planning and Designing Databases on AWS Certification Training
Learn how to plan and design databases in an AWS cloud environment. The 24 hours Planning and Designing Databases on AWS course focuses on the various AWS services and how you should employ them in managing databases. Understand to differentiate between relational and non-relational databases and design databases based on your workloads. This course is […]
AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders
Managing data is no small task, and neither is managing costs for cloud-based solutions. This 24 hours AWS Cloud Financial Management course will help you gain deeper knowledge of how to manage, optimize, and predict costs as you build solutions on AWS. Learn and master how to implement best architectural practices, explore cost optimization strategies, […]
Big Data on AWS Certification Training
Data is everywhere and the 24 hours Big Data on AWS course prepares you to design and create cloud-based Big Data solutions. Use tools from the AWS suite like Amazon EMR and Hadoop tools like Hive and Hue to process data, and Amazon Redshift and Amazon Kinesis to design and create Big Data environments that […]
Data Warehousing on AWS Certification Training
Understand the central idea behind a data warehouse and how data warehousing fits in the larger context of big data solutions. Get expert guidance on using the AWS suite of services like Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon S3 for all aspects of data collection, preparation, processing, storage, and optimization for better performance. […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
Agile Project Management with Scrum
The Scrum framework is immensely popular as it helps teams increase efficiency and reduce errors. With the right methodology, projects are completed in a fraction of the time compared to the traditional methods. This course in Agile Project Management with Scrum introduces participants to Agile methodology and the Scrum framework. The course uses the principles […]
HTML5 & CSS3 Course with Certification
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language that was originally designed to create interlinked documents that could be viewed using a web browser. HTML enables developers to define and incorporate the overall layout, hierarchy and elements such as text, images, tables, forms, video and sound among other things. HTML5, the most recent and current version […]
PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner
With this PRINCE2 course, you'll get set to develop versatile project management skills, enabling you to manage projects of varying types, sizes, complexities, and across different industries and geographies. Learn how to tailor projects to their specific environments, manage product delivery, control resource use, and effectively handle project risks. PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is […]
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training
Learn to implement Lean Six Sigma methodology to drive process improvements, optimize costs, and improve quality across the organization. Identify and remove the causes of error in business processes and build your own quality toolkit. Reduce wastage, speed up time-to-market, and eliminate the use of marginal methods in traditional settings. In the hands-on six sigma […]
Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Certification
Enterprises around the world are moving their business to the cloud to ensure seamless customer experience, achieve superior workflow, meet market demands, and more, driving the demand for Microsoft certified Azure professionals. Our comprehensive training program gives you the confidence to take the Azure Developer Associate exam. From implementing cloud solutions and API management to […]
Azure Data Fundamentals Certification
Learn the fundamentals of data in a cloud environment. Understand the different kinds of databases and how to develop solutions using them. In this course with live interactive classes learn how to manage data and how to leverage large-scale data analysis using advanced tools like Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight. This course […]
Azure AI Solution Certification Training
Has the Artificial Intelligence domain always interested you? Are you a software developer looking for the skills to build conversational AI solutions on Azure? If you're confident of your C# and Python, here's your chance to build, manage, and deploy AI solutions using Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework! This course […]
Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Certification
Learn the different components that make the Microsoft Power platform. Understand the different ways to leverage the components in achieving business goals. In this course with live interactive classes learn how to build solutions with Power App, automate business processes with Power automate, use Power BI to make sophisticated dashboards, and more. This course is […]
Azure AI Fundamentals Certification
Artificial intelligence can create possibilities that seemed like fiction yesterday. Mastering the basics of AI provides you with a head start in your career as there is a tremendous demand for Agile professionals across diverse fields. You can take a giant leap in achieving your career goals by enrolling in an AI Fundamentals with Azure […]
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training
Learn the foundations of the Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodology that bridges the gap between Lean and Six Sigma principles and practices. Identify and remove the causes of error in business processes, and build your own quality toolkit. Reduce wastage, speed up time-to-market, and eliminate the use of marginal methods in traditional settings. The […]
Azure Security Engineer Certification
Learning the basics of security engineering will provide you with a head start in your career as there is a demand for digital privacy and security across the world. Our Microsoft Azure Security Engineer course will give you all the skills needed to implement security controls, maintain security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities. This […]
CMMI Certification
KnowledgeHut’s course on CMMI® for Development Version 1.3(CMMI®-DEV) exposes participants to the best practices that are adopted while implementing CMMI® (Capability Maturity Model Integration) models for improving performance and achieving business goals. CMMI®-DEV Version 1.3 is the preferred choice of organizations across the world to improve development processes in high-quality engineering. While understanding the fundamental […]
Agile Business Analysis Training
Switching from traditional approaches to an Agile environment can be challenging. An Agile Business Analyst plays a key role in the Agile project life cycle. The role comes with responsibilities that include producing feasible ideas, shaping the idea by providing adequate resources, mobilizing the team to achieve goals, building the product, and more. KnowledgeHut’s course […]
Blockchain 101 Course with Certification
Our comprehensive introductory course will give you a solid foundation on the fundamentals of blockchain and its practical applications. This is a hands-on course designed to help you understand the nuances of cryptocurrency technologies and make you capable of building blockchain-based applications. There is a huge skill gap between what the market expects of blockchain […]
Business Case Writing Course Training
Corporate strategy execution depends upon developing and implementing the best solutions in the workplace. These solutions often come from having a sound business case. A well-crafted business case outlines the rationale for undertaking a project. It is a formal, written proposal that ideally convinces a decision-maker to approve an intended action. Our Business Case Writing […]
ISTQB® Foundation
The ISTQB® (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) offers an incredible three-level certification journey, starting with the Foundation Level. This foundational course equips you with practical knowledge of essential software testing concepts. It serves as the bedrock of the ISTQB® Certified Tester Scheme. Learning Objectives Fundamentals of ISTQB Foundation Training Learn a common language to communicate […]
Azure Data Engineering
Get started on a transformative journey with our Azure Data Engineering Certification training. Immerse yourself in live, instructor-led sessions, striking the perfect balance between classroom instruction and practical application. Stay ahead with the latest Microsoft-approved curriculum and access a digital library of rich learning resources. Proficiently analyze data on Azure, extracting meaningful insights in the […]
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training
As a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt™ certified professional, you’ll be able to lead improvement projects or serve as a valuable team member of a process improvement team. Validate your expertise in bringing about organizational transformation as a dynamic change leader, analyze and address quality problems and create a high-performance organization. comprehensive course covers in-depth […]
PRINCE2 Practitioner Certification Training Course
Master the PRINCE2 methodology, take your project management role to the next level, and widen your career opportunities in this two-day PRINCE2 Practitioner certification training. The course is designed to help you understand all the theoretical and practical aspects of PRINCE2 and the best practices for managing successful projects, irrespective of their type or scale, […]
Project Management Techniques
Project Management Techniques is a comprehensive and interactive workshop that is an introduction to Modern Project Management. It is ideal for professionals who are new to project management or need a refresher in best practices. Learn the concepts, tools, and techniques that will help you lead projects successfully and motivate your team. You will learn […]
Designing and implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure Certification
Organizations around the world routinely analyze different forms of data to enhance productivity and scale up at an exponential rate. That’s why there is an immense demand for individuals who can design and implement data solutions. This is where professionals well-versed with Data Science Solutions come into the picture. Designing and implementing Data Science Solutions […]
Change Management Certification Training
Change is frustrating and is not given the attention it deserves in the skillset that you build for a career in management. Change is necessary and as a change manager you will be expected to lead the change. This practical one-day course focuses on all levels of change impact and prepares you to face them […]
Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant
Are you a developer looking to hone your consulting and configuring skills? Create and configure apps and solutions and automate processes using the Microsoft Power Platform. This immersive four-day course will teach you how to take user requirements and translate them into beautiful yet custom user experiences by working with experts and stakeholders. This course […]
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification
The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals training program helps you build a strong foundation in essential Azure concepts. By completing this training, you’ll acquire end-to-end knowledge of essential Azure skills and tools, network security, governance, privacy, and compliance features. You will be equipped to choose the right Azure services and technologies for your business through service-level agreements. […]
44 esemény,
40 esemény,
PMI-ACP® (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner)
The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Certification is your route to honing Agile practices and techniques. Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), this reputed certification awards professionals who are able to showcase their understanding by passing the certification exam This course offers a comprehensive exploration of various Agile frameworks, including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme […]
Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies
Angol nyelven több időpontban is elérhető, időpontokért írjon. For English course dates please write e-mail. The Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. You’ll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network […]
PowerBI II – Adatelemzés, adatvizualizáció – ETL folyamattól a dashboardokig „gyorsított”
A PowerBI nyújtotta lehetőségek bemutatása A más rendszerekben használt adatelemzést hogyan implementálja, nem a hogy lesz piros egy oszlop a diagramban, hanem az adatelemzés folyamatának bemutatása, a nyers adatoktól a desktop riportkészítésen át a WEB-es dashboard készítésig és annak prezentálásáig adattranszformáció nem csak grafikus felületen (M nyelv fogalma) az adamodell kialakításának mélyebb lehetőségei az üzleti […]
PL-900T00-A: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Learn the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Common Data Service, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate a process with Power Automate, and build a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents
PowerBI I – Adatelemzés, adatvizualizáció bevezetés
A PowerBI nyújtotta lehetőségek bemutatása A jó alap megszerzése, amit lehet tovább fejleszteni Az adatelemzés folyamatának bemutatása, a nyers adatoktól a desktop riportkészítésen át a WEB-es dashboard készítésig és annak prezentálásáig Célközönség: aki nem látott még PowerBI-t aki látott Excel-t, de csak a színezésig, dupla keretezésig, egyszerűbb függvényekig pl. SUM képletig jutott adatelemzésben nem, vagy […]
Certified Scaled Agile / leading SAFe – online
Az online tréning folyamán a résztvevők megszerzik azt a tudást, amivel egy Lean-agilis vállalatot vezetni tudnak a SAFe és annak alapelvei segítségével (Lean, systems thinking, agilis fejlesztés, product development flow, DevOps). A piacon való boldoguláshoz a résztvevők betekintést kapnak a Business Agility részleteibe. Megtanulják, hogy hogyan alakítsanak csapatot, a technikai agilitás használatát, és hogy hogyan […]
ITIL®4 Foundation (course + fundamental practices + exam) – ITIL®4 alaptanfolyam (alapvető jógyakorlatok és vizsga)
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, már magyar nyelven is le lehet letenni. A tanfolyam kiegészítő célja (a két napos alaptanfolyamhoz képest), hogy: • ismertesse azokat a további jógyakorlatokat (practice-eket), amelyek nem, vagy csak áttekintően lettek tárgyalva […]
ITIL®4 Foundation course with exam / ITIL®4 Alapismeretek tanfolyam vizsgával
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, már magyar nyelven is le lehet letenni. A tanfolyam célja, hogy: • áttekintse az ITIL®4 fogalmi keretrendszerét (framework) • röviden ismertesse azokat a legfontosabb jógyakorlatokat (practice), amelyek nélkülözhetetlenek mind a gyakorlati […]
Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative teams, complex systems, and geographies. This requires Agile to work across your enterprise to bring in the benefits of faster delivery, better-quality products, and quick response to your customer queries. However, large-scale agile transformation is […]
ITIL®4 Foundation (course + all practices + exam) – ITIL®4 alaptanfolyam (összes jógyakorlat és vizsga)
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, már magyar nyelven is le lehet letenni. A tanfolyam kiegészítő célja (a három napos alaptanfolyamhoz képest), hogy: • ismertesse az ITIL®4 által javasolt összes olyan jógyakorlatot (practice-eket), amelyekről nem volt szó a […]
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services
Angol nyelven több időpontban is elérhető, időpontokért írjon. For English course dates please write e-mail. The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) v1.0 gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network. This course covers advanced routing and infrastructure technologies, expanding on the topics covered in the […]
39 esemény,
30 esemény,
27 esemény,
Advanced Scrum Master Training – online
A Scrum Master feladatkör kulcsfontosságú a Scrum módszertan működtetésében. Pozíciója eltér a hagyományos projekt menedzserétől, hiszen a Scrum Master például nem felel a projektek tervezéséért vagy ellenőrzéséért. Ezzel ellentétben a Scrum Master feladata a csapat önszerveződésének támogatása, motiválása, valamint a projekt sikerének előmozdítása a stakeholderek, a menedzsment, a Product Owner és a fejlesztői csapat együttműködésének […]
Leading SAFe® 6.0 Training
While Agile approaches have proven to be easily applicable to small teams, the majority of enterprises today work across collaborative teams, complex systems, and geographies. This requires Agile to work across your enterprise to bring in the benefits of faster delivery, better-quality products, and quick response to your customer queries. However, large-scale agile transformation is […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
18 esemény,
SAFe® 6.0 for Architects Certification
Build the skills to enable continuous value flow and deep dive into how architects can engage in, and contribute to, a Lean-Agile enterprise. In this comprehensive three-day course, designed to help you pass the exam in the first attempt, you’ll be equipped with the skills, tools and techniques to apply SAFe® to develop and maintain […]
DP-900T00-A: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
In this course, students will gain foundational knowledge of core data concepts and related Microsoft Azure data services. Students will learn about core data concepts such as relational, non-relational, big data, and analytics, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. Students will explore fundamental relational data concepts and relational database […]
SAFe® 6.0 Lean Portfolio Management(LPM) Certification
Master the skills to align Agile development with business strategy, with a focus on driving delivery of value to customers through products and solutions. With the latest release (version 6.0), get equipped with the skills, tools, and techniques necessary to implement the Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) functions of Strategy and Investment Funding, Agile Portfolio Operations, […]
16 esemény,
SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master Training
Equip yourself with the Scrum Master skills to deliver maximum value at scale. In this 16-hour live and interactive SSM training, you will learn to successfully plan and execute the Program Increment (PI) — the primary enabler to align the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) across all enterprise levels. Master the key components of Agile at […]
PMI-CAPM® Certification Training
Elevate your project management skills with a unique blend of 23 hours of live online training, led by industry experts. Who Should Attend This Course? Associate Project Managers Project Managers IT Project Managers Project Coordinators Project Analysts Project Leaders Senior Project Managers Team Leaders Product Managers Program Managers Project Sponsors Project Team Members will find value […]
SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager
If you're interested in developing the expertise to guide the delivery of continuous value in a Lean enterprise and increasing your knowledge and expertise of the Scaled Agile Framework, you've come to just the right place! Through our power-packed experiential training, you will be guided through all the skills and concepts that you will need […]
10 esemény,
7 esemény,
PL-200T00-A: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant
The Power Platform empowers organizations to automate business processes, develop their own rich app experiences, and connect with customers better and faster. In this course, students will learn to perform discovery, capture requirements, engage subject matter experts and stakeholders, translate requirements, and configure Power Platform solutions and apps. They will supplement their learnings with hands-on […]
ITIL®4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy course with exam / ITIL®4 vezetőknek: Digitális és IT-stratégia tanfolyam vizsgával
A képzést - visszavonásig - kizárólag interaktív online formában tartjuk. A tanfolyami díj tartalmazza a vizsga díját is. A vizsgát távolról felügyelt, online formában, angol nyelven lehet letenni. A tanfolyam célja: Ez az 5 napos képzés biztosítja a résztvevők számára a szükséges tudást és felkészültséget ahhoz, hogy • megérthessék a digitális stratégia hatását és fontosságát […]
NIS2 referens képzés
Az NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive 2) az Európai Unió által kibocsátott irányelv, melynek célja a kritikus infrastruktúrák és digitális szolgáltatások védelmének megerősítése. Az irányelv előírja a tagállamoknak, hogy hozzanak létre nemzeti kiberbiztonsági stratégiákat és biztonsági szabályozásokat. Mérföldkövek és fontosabb kötelezettségek: Önazonosítás, IBF kijelölése és bejelentése, Nyilvántartásba vétel, Rendszerek biztonsági osztályba sorolása– 2024.06.30. Éves […]