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AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification

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This 24 hours "Developing on AWS" course is a transformative learning experience designed to empower you with the skills needed to build dynamic cloud-based applications using AWS SDKs. As technology continues to advance, cloud computing has become a cornerstone for innovative and scalable solutions, and AWS stands at the forefront of this digital revolution. In this comprehensive program, we'll guide you through an immersive journey, exploring a diverse range of topics crucial for mastering cloud application development. From the intricacies of access management and permissions to the versatility of AWS Cloud9, the power of Amazon S3, nuances of storage and databases, to seamlessly integrating third-party services – this course is crafted to provide you with a holistic understanding of the AWS ecosystem. From collaborative coding environments to scalable object storage, this course equips you with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in cloud development.

The AWS Certified Developer – Associate certification is designed for individuals who develop and maintain applications on the AWS platform. It validates expertise in designing, building, deploying, and maintaining cloud-based applications using AWS services.

Who This Course Is For

  • Software Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Developers and software engineers
  • System Architects
  • Solutions Architects

What You Will Learn
1 Access Control
Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to support a development environment.

2 Programming Patterns
Learn to use multiple programming patterns in your applications to access AWS services.

3 CRUD Operations
Use AWS SDKs to perform CRUD operations on Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB resources.

4 Service Integration
Create AWS Lambda functions with other service integrations for your web applications.

5 Microservices
Learn what are the benefits of microservices architectures and serverless applications to design.

6 Build Cloud Apps
Build a cloud application using AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs), AWS CLI, and IDEs.

About the exam

The exam covers a range of topics including AWS services for development, security, debugging, deployment, and best practices. Key areas include AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and more.
The exam is 130 minutes long, and it typically consists of multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but it is generally around 65-75 questions.
The passing score is not fixed and can vary, as AWS uses a scaled scoring model. However, a general guideline is to aim for a score of around 720 (out of 1000) to pass.

The AWS Certified Developer – Associate certification is valid for three years. To maintain the certification, individuals can either retake the current exam or choose to take a higher-level AWS certification exam.

We provide this course in English.



1. Course Overview

Learning Objectives:
Participants will familiarize themselves with the logistical details of the program, explore available student resources, understand the course agenda, and engage in introductions to build a collaborative learning environment. This module sets clear expectations, encourages active participation, and prompts individuals to outline their personal learning goals, providing a solid foundation for the certification journey.


  • Logistics
  • Student Resources
  • Agenda
  • Introductions


  • Build a Three-tier Architecture in AWS: Design and implement a three-tier architecture in AWS, including load balancing and auto-scaling mechanisms.
  • Auto-Encryption of S3 Buckets with AWS Lambda: Enhance data security using auto-encryption of S3 buckets and learn instant encryption for new data in S3 buckets.
  • Using CloudFormation Stack Sets to Deploy DynamoDB Tables: Leverage AWS CloudFormation Stack Sets for deployment of DynamoDB tables and develop a CloudFormation template.
  • Deploying static S3 Website Using AWS CI-CD pipeline: Set up AWS CI/CD pipeline and customize the pipeline to trigger when source code repository changes occur.

2. Building a Web Application on AWS
Learning Objectives:
Participants will dive into the foundational aspects of building a web application on AWS. They will discuss the architectural nuances of the application set for development throughout the course, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its design. The module further guides participants in exploring the essential AWS services integral to constructing a robust web application. Emphasis is placed on discovering best practices for storing, managing, and hosting the application in the AWS environment, with practical exercises translating theoretical knowledge into hands-on application design. Throughout this module, participants will evaluate the scalability of the chosen AWS services and consider critical security aspects to ensure a comprehensive grasp of building and maintaining web applications in a cloud-based environment.


  • Discuss the architecture of the application you are going to build during this course
  • Explore the AWS services needed to build your web application
  • Discover how to store, manage, and host your web application

3. Getting Started with Development on AWS
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will explore the essential skill of accessing AWS services programmatically, gaining insights into the various tools and interfaces available for seamless interaction with the cloud environment. Learning objectives include identifying programmatic patterns within AWS SDKs and AWS CLI, understanding how these patterns enhance efficiency in development workflows. The module also emphasizes the value of AWS Cloud9, providing a collaborative and integrated development environment. By the end of this module, participants will be well-versed in programmatic access methods, patterns, and the practical advantages offered by AWS Cloud9 for streamlined development processes.


  • Describe how to access AWS services programmatically
  • List some programmatic patterns and how they provide efficiencies within AWS SDKs and AWS CLI
  • Explain the value of AWS Cloud9

4. Getting Started with Permissions
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will delve into the intricacies of accessing AWS services programmatically. They will learn diverse methods for programmatic access, exploring the efficiencies offered by programmatic patterns within AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI. The module elucidates how these patterns enhance development workflows, optimizing tasks and providing streamlined interactions with AWS services. Through hands-on exercises, participants will gain practical experience in applying these programmatic patterns, reinforcing their ability to leverage AWS SDKs and CLI effectively. Additionally, the module highlights the value of AWS Cloud9, shedding light on its significance in the development process.

The module culminates with Lab 1, where participants will configure their developer environment, ensuring connections, IDEs, AWS CLI, and IAM policies are appropriately set up for optimal functionality, including the assignment of an IAM policy to a role for Amazon S3 bucket deletion.


  • Review AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) features and components permissions to support a development environment
  • Demonstrate how to test AWS IAM permissions
  • Configure your IDEs and SDKs to support a development environment
  • Demonstrate accessing AWS services using SDKs and AWS Cloud9

Lab 1: Configure the Developer Environment

  • Connect to a developer environment
  • Verify that the IDE and the AWS CLI are installed and configured to use the application profile
  • Verify that the necessary permissions have been granted to run AWS CLI commands
  • Assign an AWS IAM policy to a role to delete an Amazon S3 bucket

5. Getting Started with Storage
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will grasp the fundamental concepts of Amazon S3, gaining a solid understanding of its core functionalities. They will explore various options for securing data within Amazon S3, ensuring a comprehensive knowledge of data protection mechanisms. Additionally, the module will cover essential SDK dependencies for code development, enabling participants to seamlessly integrate Amazon S3 into their applications. Practical insights will be provided on connecting to the Amazon S3 service, and participants will delve into the intricacies of request and response objects, enhancing their proficiency in utilizing Amazon S3 effectively.


  • Describe the basic concepts of Amazon S3
  • List the options for securing data using Amazon S3
  • Define SDK dependencies for your code
  • Explain how to connect to the Amazon S3 service
  • Describe request and response objects

6. Processing Your Storage Operations
Learning Objectives:
Participants will master key bucket and object operations in Amazon S3, gaining proficiency in handling both multiple and large objects. The focus extends to creating and configuring an Amazon S3 bucket for hosting static websites, along with the implementation of temporary access controls. The module further emphasizes demonstrating Amazon S3 operations through practical applications of SDKs. Lab 2 reinforces these concepts by guiding participants to interact programmatically with Amazon S3 using AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI. Through hands-on exercises, participants will create, upload, download, process, and configure buckets, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the real-world application of Amazon S3 functionalities.


  • Perform key bucket and object operations
  • Explain how to handle multiple and large objects
  • Create and configure an Amazon S3 bucket to host a static website
  • Grant temporary access to your objects
  • Demonstrate performing Amazon S3 operations using SDKs

Lab 2: Develop Solutions Using Amazon S3

  • Interact with Amazon S3 programmatically using AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI
  • Create a bucket using waiters and verify service exceptions codes
  • Build the needed requests to upload an Amazon S3 object with metadata attached
  • Build requests to download an object from the bucket, process data, and upload the object back to the bucket
  • Configure a bucket to host the website and sync the source files using the AWS CLI
  • Add IAM bucket policies to access the S3 website.

7. Getting Started with Databases
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will delve into the fundamental aspects of DynamoDB, comprehending its key components. The focus extends to practical insights on connecting to DynamoDB and constructing request objects for effective interaction. Participants will gain proficiency in deciphering response objects, ensuring a thorough understanding of data retrieval. Additionally, the module covers the identification and resolution of common troubleshooting exceptions, equipping participants with essential skills for managing DynamoDB effectively in real-world scenarios.


  • Describe the key components of DynamoDB
  • Explain how to connect to DynamoDB
  • Describe how to build a request object
  • Explain how to read a response object
  • List the most common troubleshooting exceptions

8. Processing Your Database Operations
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will advance their DynamoDB proficiency by developing programs that interact with the service using AWS SDKs. The focus extends to performing CRUD operations, providing hands-on experience in accessing tables, indexes, and data. The module highlights developer best practices when working with DynamoDB and explores caching options for optimizing performance. Practical insights are offered on performing DynamoDB operations using SDKs. Lab 3 reinforces these concepts through interactive exercises, guiding participants to interact programmatically with DynamoDB using low-level, document, and high-level APIs. Participants will master item retrieval, table loading, item searching, updates, and data access using PartiQL and object-persistence models.


  • Develop programs to interact with DynamoDB using AWS SDKs
  • Perform CRUD operations to access tables, indexes, and data
  • Describe developer best practices when accessing DynamoDB
  • Review caching options for DynamoDB to improve performance
  • Perform DynamoDB operations using SDK

Lab 3: Develop Solutions Using Amazon DynamoDB

  • Interact with Amazon DynamoDB programmatically using low-level, document, and high-level APIs in your programs
  • Retrieve items from a table using key attributes, filters, expressions, and paginations
  • Load a table by reading JSON objects from a file
  • Search items from a table based on key attributes, filters, expressions, and paginations
  • Update items by adding new attributes and changing data conditionally
  • Access DynamoDB data using PartiQL and object-persistence models where applicable

9. Processing Your Application Logic
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will focus on developing proficiency in AWS Lambda functions. The learning objectives encompass creating Lambda functions using SDKs, configuring triggers, and establishing necessary permissions. Participants will gain hands-on experience in testing, deploying, and monitoring Lambda functions. Lab 4 complements these objectives, guiding participants through the creation of AWS Lambda functions and their programmatic interaction using AWS SDKs and CLI. The lab includes configuring Lambda functions with environment variables, integration with other services, and the generation of pre-signed URLs for Amazon S3. Furthermore, participants will deploy Lambda functions through their Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), testing their functionality via the AWS Console and CLI.


  • Develop a Lambda function using SDKs
  • Configure triggers and permissions for Lambda functions
  • Test, deploy, and monitor Lambda functions

Lab 4: Develop Solutions Using AWS Lambda Functions

  • Create AWS Lambda functions and interact programmatically using AWS SDKs and AWS CLI
  • Configure AWS Lambda functions to use the environment variables and to integrate with other services
  • Generate Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs using AWS SDKs and verify the access to bucket objects
  • Deploy the AWS Lambda functions with .zip file archives through your IDE and test as needed
  • Invoke AWS Lambda functions using the AWS Console and AWS CLI

10. Managing the APIs
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of Amazon API Gateway by exploring its key components. Learning objectives include developing API Gateway resources that seamlessly integrate with AWS services, configuring request and response calls for application endpoints, and testing and deploying application API endpoints. The module emphasizes hands-on experience in creating API Gateway resources for effective interaction with application APIs. Lab 5 reinforces these concepts through practical exercises, guiding participants to create RESTful API Gateway resources, configure CORS for applications, integrate API methods with AWS Lambda functions, and deploy the API Gateway to a stage. The lab ensures participants are proficient in configuring mapping templates, creating request models, and validating results using the API endpoint.


  • Describe the key components of API Gateway
  • Develop API Gateway resources to integrate with AWS services
  • Configure API request and response calls for your application endpoints
  • Test API resources and deploy your application API endpoint
  • Demonstrate creating API Gateway resources to interact with your application APIs

Lab 5: Develop Solutions Using Amazon API Gateway

  • Create RESTful API Gateway resources and configure CORS for your application
  • Integrate API methods with AWS Lambda functions to process application data
  • Configure mapping templates to transform the pass-through data during method integration
  • Create a request model for API methods to ensure that the pass-through data format complies with application rules
  • Deploy the API Gateway to a stage and validate the results using the API endpoint

11. Building a Modern Application
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will explore the challenges associated with traditional architectures and gain an understanding of the transformative microservices architecture, along with its benefits. Learning objectives include explaining different approaches to designing microservice applications and detailing the steps involved in decoupling monolithic applications. The module places a strong emphasis on practical application, demonstrating the orchestration of Lambda Functions using AWS Step Functions. Participants will leave with a solid comprehension of the shift from traditional to microservices architectures and the practical skills needed to implement this transformative approach.


  • Describe the challenges with traditional architectures
  • Describe the microservice architecture and benefits
  • Explain various approaches for designing microservice applications
  • Explain steps involved in decoupling monolithic applications
  • Demonstrate the orchestration of Lambda Functions using AWS Step Functions

12. Granting Access to Your Application Users
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will delve into the evolution of security protocols, with a specific focus on the authentication process using Amazon Cognito. Learning objectives include mastering the management of user access and the authorization of serverless APIs, along with observing best practices for implementing Amazon Cognito. The module emphasizes practical application by demonstrating the integration of Amazon Cognito and reviewing JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Lab 6, the Capstone, culminates in completing the application build. Participants will create a Userpool and an Application Client, add users, and confirm sign-in capabilities using the Amazon Cognito CLI. They will configure API Gateway methods to utilize Amazon Cognito as an authorizer, verify JWT authentication tokens, and swiftly develop API Gateway resources using a Swagger importing strategy. The lab ensures participants are adept at setting up web application frontends, incorporating Amazon Cognito and API Gateway configurations, and verifying the overall functionality of the application.


  • Analyze the evolution of security protocols
  • Explore the authentication process using Amazon Cognito
  • Manage user access and authorize serverless APIs
  • Observe best practices for implementing Amazon Cognito
  • Demonstrate the integration of Amazon Cognito and review JWT tokens

Lab 6: Capstone – Complete the Application Build

  • Create a Userpool and an Application Client for your web application using
  • Add new users and confirm their ability to sign-in using the Amazon Cognito CLI
  • Configure API Gateway methods to use Amazon Cognito as an authorizer
  • Verify JWT authentication tokens are generated during API Gateway calls
  • Develop API Gateway resources rapidly using a Swagger importing strategy
  • Set up your web application frontend to use Amazon Cognito and API Gateway configurations and verify the entire application functionality

13. Deploying Your Application
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will first identify and comprehend risks associated with traditional software development practices, paving the way for a comprehensive understanding of the transformative DevOps methodology. Learning objectives include configuring an AWS SAM template to effectively deploy a serverless application and delving into various application deployment strategies. The module emphasizes practical application, guiding participants through the hands-on demonstration of deploying a serverless application using AWS SAM. Participants will leave with a clear grasp of DevOps principles and the practical skills needed to deploy serverless applications efficiently.


  • Identify risks associated with traditional software development practices
  • Understand DevOps methodology
  • Configure an AWS SAM template to deploy a serverless application
  • Describe various application deployment strategies
  • Demonstrate deploying a serverless application using AWS SAM

14. Observing Your Application
Learning Objectives:
In this module, participants will gain a nuanced understanding of monitoring versus observability and its crucial role in modern development. Learning objectives encompass evaluating the necessity of observability, understanding key components, and exploring CloudWatch's role in configuring observability. The module further demonstrates using CloudWatch Application Insights to monitor applications and utilizing X-Ray for effective application debugging. Lab 7, "Observe the Application Using AWS X-Ray," reinforces these concepts through hands-on exercises. Participants will instrument their application code for AWS X-Ray capabilities, enable log generation in deployment packages, and deploy applications using AWS SAM templates. The lab guides participants in creating AWS X-Ray service maps to observe end-to-end processing behavior and analyzing and debugging application issues through AWS X-Ray traces and annotations. Participants will leave with practical skills to enhance observability in their applications.


  • Differentiate between monitoring and observability
  • Evaluate why observability is necessary in modern development and key components
  • Understand CloudWatch’s part in configuring the observability
  • Demonstrate using CloudWatch Application Insights to monitor applications
  • Demonstrate using X-Ray to debug your applications

Lab 7: Observe the Application Using AWS X-Ray

  • Instrument your application code to use AWS X-Ray capabilities
  • Enable your application deployment package to generate logs
  • Understand the key components of an AWS SAM template and deploy your application
  • Create AWS X-Ray service maps to observe end-to-end processing behavior of your application
  • Analyze and debug application issues using AWS X-Ray traces and annotations

15. Course Wrap-up
Learning Objectives:
This module will comprise of a course recap, providing further insights into the goals of the training. The discussion will extend to various AWS training courses available, covering a spectrum of topics and certifications. Participants will gain an understanding of the certification paths offered and the significance of AWS certifications in validating their expertise. The module will conclude with a feedback session, allowing participants to provide valuable input for continuous improvement and ensuring the training meets their expectations and needs.


  • Course recap
  • AWS training courses
  • Certifications
  • Course feedback

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While there are no strict prerequisites, it is recommended to have at least one year of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining AWS-based applications.
Familiarity with AWS services and a working knowledge of at least one programming language is beneficial.

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