Szeptember 25. - az ATS.2 Apple Tech Series következő alkalma!

Redis Certification Course

8 nap
737 590 Ft + ÁFA
tanfolyamkezdési időpontok:

A tanfolyamról

Gain mastery over this new and upcoming technology, which with its unique data structure handling capabilities helps solve commonly encountered web application problems. With a high emphasis on practical, hands-on learning, this comprehensive course initiates you into the world of Redis and teaches you its applications in the real world.
The well-designed modules cover Redis data structures, web application support components, and their use in search-based applications. With in-depth practice sessions at the end of each module, you will gain the confidence to use it in your enterprise applications. Enroll, get trained, and be certified by our highly qualified and certified trainers.

Who Should Attend This Course

  • Software Development Managers
  • Software Architects
  • System Architects
  • Data Architects
  • Developers

What You Will Learn

  • Redis Fundamentals
    Learn the fundamentals of Redis and its importance and value in the current workforce
  • Advantages of Redis
    Understand why Redis is now replacing all other databases along with its advantages
  • Unique Data structure
    Develop a thorough understanding of the unique data structure of Redis and skills required to leverage them
  • Integration With Tools
    Learn and master skills required to integrate Redis with other tools and scale it among your teams
  • Best Practices
    Learn everything about Redis best practices and how to leverage it for maximum productivity
  • Search-Based Applications
    Master the modules that cover Redis data structures and their use in search-based applications

On completing the training, you will learn:

  • Why Redis is now replacing all other databases and its advantages
  • The unique data structure of Redis and how to take advantage of the same
  • How to integrate Redis with other tools and scale it
  • Redis best practices and how to leverage it for maximum productivity

We provide the course in English.



Module 1: Introduction to Redis

  • Redis Compared to Other Databases and Software
  • Features
  • Why Redis?

Module 2: What Redis Data Structures Look Like

  • Strings in Redis
  • Lists in Redis
  • Sets in Redis
  • Hashes in Redis
  • Sorted sets in Redis

Module 3: Redis Web Applications

  • Login and Cookie Caching
  • Shopping Carts in Redis
  • Web Page Caching
  • Database Row Caching
  • Web Page Analytics

Module 4: Commands in Redis

  • Strings
  • Lists Sets
  • Hashes
  • Sorted Sets
  • Publish/Subscribe
  • Sorting
  • Transactions
  • Expiring Keys

Module 5: Data Management

  • Persistence Options
  • Snapshots
  • Append-only File Persistence
  • Rewriting/Compacting Append-only Files
  • Replication
  • Configuring for Replication
  • Master/Slave Chains
  • Verifying Disk Writes
  • System Failures

Module 6: Application Support

  • Logging to Redis
  • Counters and Statistics
  • Service Discovery and Configuration
  • Using Redis to Store Configuration Information

Module 7: Application Components

  • Distributed Locking
  • Fine-grained Locking
  • Locks with Timeouts
  • Counting Semaphores
  • Fair Semaphores
  • Refreshing Semaphores
  • Preventing Race Conditions
  • Task Queues
  • Distributing Files with Redis

Module 8: Search-based Applications

  • Searching in Redis
  • Basic Search Theory
  • Sorting Search Results
  • Sorted Indexes
  • Sorting Search Results with ZSETs

Module 9: Reducing Memory Use

  • Short Structures
  • The ziplist Representation
  • The intset Encoding for SETs
  • Performance Issues for Long ziplists and intsets
  • Sharded Structures
  • HASHes
  • SETs

Module 10: Scaling Redis

  • Scaling Reads
  • Scaling Writes and Memory Capacity
  • Handling Shard Configuration
  • Creating a Server-sharded Connection Decorator
  • Scaling Complex Queries
  • Scaling Search Query Volume
  • Scaling Search Index Size
  • Scaling a Social Network

Kinek ajánljuk



A good understanding of database design and software development experience

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