ITIL®4 Foundation vizsga MAGYARUL

Jenkins Certification Training

4 nap
575 500 Ft + ÁFA
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A tanfolyamról

Learn Jenkins, a popular Continuous Integration (CI) tool that helps to increase productivity, speed up software development processes and improve control of the lifecycle. Jenkins is written in Java. It is easy to learn and use even for beginners. Jenkins also comes with hundreds of plugins created by developers in the Jenkins community.
Use the Jenkins training to make it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and for users to obtain a fresh build.  Jenkins achieves Continuous Integration with the help of plugins. There are many companies embracing DevOps as the shift from members in a team working independently to collaboration between testers, admin and developers can be seen. This increased deployment rates and product quality. Hence, continuous deployment and delivery have been critical for such DevOps teams. This Jenkins certification course is designed to get you job ready.

Who Should Attend the Jenkins Training

  • Developers
  • Build Managers
  • QA Analysts
  • Software Engineers
  • Software Architects
  • Operations Professionals

What You Will Learn

  • Jenkin Concepts
    Learn about Continuous Integration as well as the Continuous Deployment concepts of Jenkins.
  • Install & Configure Jenkins
    Gain the knowledge to install as well as configure Jenkins and gain the knowledge to build jobs.
  • Jenkins Environment
    Get equipped with the required knowledge to be capable of securing the Jenkins environment.
  • Set up Jenkins Jobs
    Learn to set up Jenkins jobs to implement Automated Testing and work with Reports.
  • Features & Source Codes
    Get an understanding of working with features related to jobs and learn to manage the source code.
  • Distributed System
    Learn about Jenkins Distributed System along with setting up Master and Slave configuration.
  • Plugins
    Learn to work with Plugins which increases Jenkins capabilities and improves productivity.
  • Jenkins pipeline
    Get the knowledge of implementing Jenkins pipeline in order to witness Continuous Delivery.
  • CI/CD pipeline
    Get the knowledge of implementing CI/CD pipeline in order to drive Continuous Delivery.

Skills You Will Gain

  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous deployment
  • Source code management
  • Using plugins
  • Enabling security
  • Access control
  • Automate testing
  • Automate testing
  • Jenkins pipelines




1. Overview of DevOps Practices
Learning Objective
Get introduced to successful DevOps practices and understand how to navigate the DevOps environment.


  • Introduction of DevOps practices
  • What is DevOps?
  • Vision and phase-wise implementation
  • Continuous code inspection
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery and continuous deployment
  • Infrastructure as code
  • Pipeline example

2. Overview of Jenkins
Learning Objective
Understand how Jenkins works and where it is useful.


  • Introduction of Jenkins
  • What is Jenkins?
  • Why Jenkins?
  • Jenkins projects
  • Jenkins tour

3. Install and Configure Jenkins
Learning Objective
Learn how to install and configure Jenkins 


  • Introduction to installation and configuration of Jenkins
  • Install and configure Jenkins
  • Introduction to Docker Desktop
  • Download Docker desktop
  • Install Docker desktop
  • Execute Docker commands
  • Jenkins network and volume configuration for docker
  • Run Jenkins in Docker container
  • Install WAR file in any operating system
  • Jenkins configuration
  • System configuration for Jenkins
  • Jenkins plugins
  • Introduction to plugins
  • Manage plugins
  • Global Tools Configuration
  • Create a simple Maven project
  • Credential management
  • Jenkins home directory

4. Overview of SonarQube
Learning Objective
Gain an understanding of SonarQube and its benefits


  • Introduction of SonarQube
  • Why SonarQube?
  • What is SonarQube?
  • Install and configure SonarQube
  • SonarQube plans
  • How does SonarQube work?
  • Install and configure SonarQube
  • SonarQube –Rules
  • SonarQube –Sonar tokens
  • SonarQube –Users
  • SonarQube –Groups
  • SonarQube using Docker
  • SonarQube in different OS
  • Quality gate
  • Quality gate introduction
  • Quality gate
  • Quality profiles
  • Quality profile introduction
  • Quality profile
  • SonarQube scanner
  • SonarQube scanner introduction
  • SonarQube scanner

5. Pipeline as a Code
Learning Objective
Get an understanding of how Pipeline as a code works


  • Introduction of pipeline as a code
  • What is pipeline as a code
  • Jenkins 2.0

6. Jenkins Pipelines
Learning Objective
Understand Jenkins pipeline and how to build them


  • Build pipeline plugin
  • Build pipeline in Jenkins
  • Jenkinsfile introduction
  • Scripted Pipeline
  • Declarative Pipeline
  • Declarative Pipeline introduction
  • Declarative Pipeline
  • Scripted Pipeline vs Declarative Pipeline
  • Blue Ocean
  • YAML pipeline
  • Create YAML pipeline
  • Pipeline syntax: Snippet Generator

7. Multi-branch Pipeline
Learning Objective
Learn about multi-branch pipelines and branching models


  • Introduction of multi-branch pipeline
  • Branching models and multibranch pipeline
  • Multi-branch pipeline in Jenkins

8. Distributed Architecture
Learning Objective
Understand how to work with Jenkins in a distributed architecture.


  • Introduction of distributed architecture
  • Jenkins distributed architecture
  • Controller and agent in Jenkins
  • Agent labels
  • Tools location in Jenkins agent
  • Different agents for different stages
  • Execute pipeline on Docker agent
  • Agent pool

9. Authentication and Authorization in Jenkins
Learning Objective
Get an understanding of the security measures you can implement with Jenkins


  • Introduction of authentication and authorization
  • Enabling security in Jenkins
  • Authentication in Jenkins
  • Authorization in Jenkins
  • Project-based authorization
  • Security advisories in Jenkins

10. CI/CD Implementation for SpringBoot Application using Pipeline as Code
Learning Objective
Explore how to use Springboot for CI/CD implementation.


  • Introduction of CI/CD implementation for SpringBoot application using pipeline as code
  • Configure pipeline to access GitHub based SpringBoot project
  • Static code analysis application using SonarQube
  • Continuous integration –Unit tests
  • Continuous integration –Code coverage
  • Continuous integration –Build
  • Continuous integration –Build Docker image
  • Continuous integration –Scan Docker image
  • Continuous integration –Deploy application
  • Verifying the pipeline stages
  • Slack notifications
  • Post build actions

11. Capstone
Learning Objective

  • For the final capstone project, you will create pipeline as code to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery for a SpringBoot project.

Kinek ajánljuk


Knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes,and Application Lifecycle management is preferred though not mandatory.

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