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Python Deep Dive

8 nap
737 590 Ft + ÁFA
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A tanfolyamról

You have already learnt Python basics. It’s now time to master the advanced features of Python and leverage this language to create robust Python packages and improve your overall programming experience.  KnowledgeHut’s virtual Python Deep Dive training is aimed at mid-level Python programmers who would like to learn more about its object oriented features and meta programming that will help create more sustainable and scalable code.

We will cover in this Python Deep Dive training all about programmer tools, distributed modules, database access, GUI programming, extending Python and much more.

What you will learn

  • Pick up where you left off from the Python course and learn all the concepts in detail including new features like meta programming, GUI and networking programming
  • Create eye catching GUI with Python
  • How to connect to databases and fetch data from records
  • Write crisper and more scalable code by using advanced and new features of Python

Key features

  • 32 hours of Interactive Instructor-led training
  • Immersive hands-on learning classes
  • Learn about advanced features of Python language
  • Understand all about programmer tools, distributed modules, database access, GUI programming, extending Python and much more.
  • Learn to build, test, and debug Python applications
  • Our Python experts will guide students in future implementation of the technology

We provide the course in English.



Module 1: Revisiting Python

  • Data types
  • Sequences
  • Mapping types
  • Program structure
  • Files and console I/O
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Builtins

Module 2: OS Services

  • The os module
  • Environment variables
  • Launching external commands
  • Walking directory trees
  • Paths, directories, and filenames
  • Working with file systems
  • Dates and times

Module 3: Pythonic Programming

  • The Zen of Python
  • Common idioms
  • Lambda functions
  • List comprehensions
  • Generator expressions
  • String formatting

Module 4: Modules and Packages

  • Initialization code
  • Namespaces
  • Executing modules as scripts
  • Documentation
  • Packages and name resolution
  • Naming conventions
  • Using imports

Module 5: Classes

  • Defining classes
  • Instance methods and data
  • Initializers
  • Class methods
  • Static methods
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Pseudo-private variable

Module 6: Meta programming

  • Implicit properties
  • globals() and locals()
  • Attributes
  • The inspect module
  • Decorators
  • Monkey patching

Module 7: Programmer tools

  • Analyzing programs
  • Using pylint
  • Testing code
  • Using unittest
  • Debugging
  • Profiling
  • Distributing modules
  • Distribution concepts
  • Setuptools
  • Creating setup.py
  • Building installers
  • Running installers

Module 8: Database access

  • The DB API
  • Available Interfaces
  • Connecting to a server
  • Creating and executing a cursor
  • Fetching data
  • Parameterized statements
  • Metadata
  • Transaction control

Module 9: GUI Programming

  • Overview
  • The mainwindow object
  • Widgets
  • Colors and fonts
  • GUI layout
  • Event handling

Module 10: Networking Programming

  • Sockets
  • Clients
  • Servers
  • Application protocols
  • Forking servers
  • Threaded servers
  • Binary data
  • The struct module

Module 11: Threads

  • Why use threads?
  • Threads are different
  • Variables are shared
  • Python threads modules
  • The threading module
  • The queue module
  • The python thread manager
  • Debugging threaded programs

Module 12: XML and JSON

  • Working with XML
  • DOM and SAX
  • Introducing ElementTree
  • Parsing XML
  • Navigating the document
  • Creating a new XML document
  • JSON
  • Parsing JSON into Python
  • Converting Python into JSON

Module 13: Extending Python

  • About non-Python modules
  • Overview of a C extension
  • Creating functions
  • Registering functions
  • Initialization code
  • Loading the module

Module 14: Using the sh module

  • The sh namespace
  • Running a simple command
  • Keyword arguments
  • Running commands in the background
  • Piping and redirection
  • Working with STDIN
  • Exit codes
  • Advanced features

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Participants are expected to know how to write simple Python scripts using basic datatypes and its library or should have alternately undergone our course on Python.

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