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Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training

2 nap
204 180 Ft + ÁFA
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Learn the foundations of the Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodology that bridges the gap between Lean and Six Sigma principles and practices. Identify and remove the causes of error in business processes, and build your own quality toolkit. Reduce wastage, speed up time-to-market, and eliminate the use of marginal methods in traditional settings.
The Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt will make you a valuable member of complex improvement projects teams. This Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course will give you strong foundation of the Lean Six Sigma Method.

Learning Objectives

  • Error Detection and Prevention
    Learn to detect and prevent errors, and achieve process improvement to maintain productivity.
  • Customer Satisfaction
    Learn how to maintain and provide customer satisfaction by improving the quality of the end product.
  • Efficient Production
    Explore how to speed up the production process that helps businesses to stay competitive and meet customer demands.
  • Lower Costs
    Reduce the costs of production drastically by minimizing variability and eliminating various kinds of waste.
  • Problem Evaluation
    Evaluate problems, statistically and quantitatively in your team or organization for smooth workflow.
  • Process Understanding
    Grasp an understanding of processes, to provide assistance to achieve organizational objectives.

Who This Course is For

  • IT Managers
  • IT Analysts
  • HR Managers
  • Team Managers
  • Change Managers
  • Finance Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Program Managers
  • Improvement Managers
  • Quality System Managers
  • Operational Line Managers

By the end of the course:
you will gain a range of skills as a part of your Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt training. These will include:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Business process skills
  • Data collation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Statistical skills
  • Financial management skills
  • Analytical skills

Six Sigma approach is based on managing the five phases of a project. There are principles that guide the Six Sigma approach over all these phases. The focus of Six Sigma is broadly based on these principles:

  • Customer focus
  • Process improvement
  • Value chain optimization
  • Eliminating defects
  • Stakeholder collaboration
  • Improvement in speed of production

You will get to learn how to use a wide range of tools and techniques across different stages of using the Six Sigma approach. Following are some examples:

  • Pareto analysis
  • Cause and effect analysis
  • Failure mode and effects analysis 
  • Capability analysis
  • Kanban
  • Poka-Yoke
  • Apart from the above a wide range of the topics that will be covered during the course in terms of tools and techniques.

We provide the course in English.



1. Define Phase: The Basics of Six Sigma
Learning Objectives:
In the define phase of the Six Sigma Yellow Belt syllabus, explore the basics of Six Sigma and its meaning. Delve into the general history of Six Sigma and its roles & responsibilities.


  • Meanings of Six Sigma
  • General History of Six Sigma & Continuous Improvement
  • Deliverables of a Lean Six Sigma Project
  • The Problem-Solving Strategy Y = f(x)
  • Voice of the Customer, Business and Employee
  • Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities

2. Define Phase: The Fundamentals of Six Sigma
Learning Objectives:
Explore the fundamentals of Six Sigma in the next define phase of this Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification. Learn how to define a process and the Pareto Analysis.


  • Defining a Process
  • Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQ’s)
  • Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
  • Pareto Analysis (80:20 rule)
  • Basic Six Sigma Metrics

3. Define Phase: Selecting Lean Six Sigma Projects
Learning Objectives:
In the third define phase of the LSSYB Certification, learn how to select Lean Six Sigma projects. Explore financial evaluation and how to build a business case.


  • Building a Business Case & Project Charter
  • Developing Project Metrics
  • Financial Evaluation & Benefits Capture

4. Define Phase: The Lean Enterprise
Learning Objectives:
In the final define phase of this online six sigma yellow belt certification, explore and understand the history of Lean Enterprise and the Seven Elements of Waste.


  • Understanding Lean
  • The History of Lean
  • Lean & Six Sigma
  • The Seven Elements of Waste
  • 5S: Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Self-Discipline, Sort

5. Measure Phase: Process Definition
Learning Objectives:
Learn process definition in the measure phase. Explore the different failure modes and effects analysis.


  • Cause & Effect / Fishbone Diagrams
  • Process Mapping, SIPOC, Value Stream Map
  • X-Y Diagram
  • Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)

6. Measure Phase: Six Sigma Statistics
Learning Objectives:
Explore the Six Sigma Statistics in this measure phase of the YB Certification, also learn the descriptive statistics and graphical analysis.


  • Basic Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Normal Distributions & Normality
  • Graphical Analysis

7. Measure Phase: Measurement System Analysis
Learning Objectives:
In the second measure phase, explore the Measurement System Analysis along with Precision & Accuracy, Bias, Linearity & Stability.


  • Precision & Accuracy
  • Bias, Linearity & Stability
  • Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility
  • Variable & Attribute MSA

8. Measure Phase: Process Capability
Learning Objectives:
Learn the concept of stability and capability analysis in the final measure phase.


  • Capability Analysis
  • Concept of Stability
  • Attribute & Discrete Capability
  • Monitoring Techniques

9. Control Phase: Lean Controls
Learning Objectives:
The control phase focuses on the Lean Controls and Control Methods for 5S. Learn the Poka-Yoke or mistake proofing process.


  • Control Methods for 5S
  • Kanban
  • Poka-Yoke (Mistake Proofing)

10. Control Phase: Six Sigma Control Plans
Learning Objectives:
In the final control phase, discover the Six Sigma Control Plans and the elements of control plan and response plan.


  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Elements of the Control Plan
  • Elements of the Response Plan

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There are no prerequisites for attending the course or to sit for the IASSC Certified Yellow Belt™ (ICYB™) exam.

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