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Django Course

5 nap
696 590 Ft + ÁFA
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A tanfolyamról

Django is a framework that is most recommended when it comes to building Python-based web applications. This high-level Python web framework fosters rapid development and creates clean, pragmatic design; allowing developers to create top-quality code. Django combined with Python facilitates in building better web apps swiftly with less coding. Big players in the industry like Instagram, Pinterest, The Washington Times, Mozilla, the Public Broadcasting Service, and many more are using the Django framework.

With the Django framework, you can open a world of possibilities for web-based projects. Master the Django course to create web application websites with various functionalities, manage lots of users at a time, and scale projects wherever required.

What You Will Learn

  • Installation and introduction
    Install Django framework/its dependencies. Create your first Django project, learn project structure
  • Routing in Django
    Map web urls with view functions.
  • Complex Routing
    Learn complex routing with dynamic urls, link routers of non root Django apps with root Django app.
  • Templates
    Build dynamic Django templates that represent html gui seen by clients, using server side Python.
  • Conditionals and loops
    Add conditionals and loops in templates. Avoid repetitions,build common layouts & inherit from them.
  • Model layer
    How does Django embrace ORM? Understand Django models, relationship between models, querying models.
  • Databases
    Learn about connecting to a MySQL database.
  • Django Admin
    Reuse your first built-in Django app that allows separate front end for backend admins of a web app.
  • Customisation
    Learn how to customize the Django admin app.
  • Django Sessions
    A built in Django app that helps in using http sessions for remembering session data.
  • Control session behaviour
    Learn how to play with the session object parameters in order to control the session behaviour.
  • Django Forms
    Build HTML forms in the Django way. Handle form submits and validation.
  • Django Authentication system
    Reuse built in authentication system for needs related to users, groups and permissions management.
  • Django REST framework
    Build REST web services using Django REST framework

Who should attend

  • Individuals and teams who design, implement and manage web apps using Django.

On completing the course you will be able to:

  • Make full fledged dynamic web applications using the Django framework
  • Have web applications communicate with a database backend with ease

Learn to reuse a lot of things from the Django framework itself
Finish large web applications under tight timelines

We peovide the course in English.



1 Introduction to Django

  • Installation using pip
  • Creating a virtual environment for better dependency management
  • Django admin command to create a new project
  • Understanding the project structure of a newly created django project

2 Routing

  • Understanding urls.py and the purpose of it
  • Creating urls with names and namespaces
  • Building dynamic urls
  • Mapping of the urls with the view functions
  • Linking the urls of an app in a project with the the root app of the project using ‘include’

3 Templates

  • Need for templates
  • Django convention of storing templates
  • Using conditionals and looping in django templates
  • Django convention of storing the static assets like images, css and javascript; and referencing them from the template
  • Templates ‘static’ and ‘url’ helpers
  • Building master layouts and inheriting from it using ‘block’, ‘extends’
  • Rendering templates from view functions using ‘render’ and passing context data to it

4 Model Layer

  • What is ORM ?
  • Benefits of ORM
  • Connecting a django project to a database
  • Django migrations
  • Visualize business data as django models
  • Django model Field and field types
  • Relationship between django models - One to One, Many to One, Many to Many
  • Saving, updating, deleting, and querying django models
  • Writing raw SQL queries for the django models

5 Django Admin

  • Creating superusers for accessing the backend admin app
  • Registering custom django models with the admin site
  • Customizing admin rendering of django models using ModelAdmin, StackedInline, TabularInline
  • Customizing django admin templates look and feel

6 Session Management

  • HTTP as a stateless protocol
  • Django session management built in app
  • Concept of session management and how it internally uses cookies and session id
  • Storing attributes in a session and retrieving from the same session
  • Destroying a session using ‘flush’

7 Django Forms

  • The django Form class
  • Rendering django forms as html
  • Built in fields and built in widgets
  • Validating django forms
  • Building forms for django models
  • Handling File uploads

8 Other built in django apps and web development concerns

  • Authentication system
  • Messages framework
  • Emailing system
  • Internationalization

9 Security in Django apps

  • Cross site request forgery protection
  • Cryptographic signing

10 REST Web Services

  • Web Services and REST

JSON as the format of data exchange
Django REST framework

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  • The participant planning to attend this course, should know the Python programming language beforehand.
  • A little knowledge about databases and SQL would be an added advantage.

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