ITIL®4 Foundation vizsga MAGYARUL

JavaScript Course with Certification

6 nap
740 900 Ft + ÁFA
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A tanfolyamról

Gain fluency in JavaScript—the world's most popular programming language. Leverage its versatile capabilities to build rich, interactive websites and applications with this comprehensive immersive learning course. The skills you acquire in this course will help you learn other JavaScript frameworks such as React and Node.js.
You’ll learn best practices with a strong focus on translating concepts to results, all powered by our unique learning experience platform that enables you to instantly put skills to practice, with our in-browser IDE environment.

The progressive course modules cover all the critical aspects of JavaScript right from the fundamentals to working with arrays, objects and string. The program is delivered both in a Blended Learning and Self-Paced mode and will help you stand out as a versatile developer both in front-end and back-end development.

JavaScript is the default programming language of the web. It is easy to learn even for a beginner, yet there are advanced functions to learn and use for seasoned and experienced programmers to develop interactive web pages and apps.

JavaScript is light and fast and since it runs in the browser it is used across platforms and devices. Modern frameworks like React, Vue and Angular have made the scope of JavaScript even wider. There is also a very vibrant community that keeps on adding new frameworks and plugins.

Who should attend this course?

  • Web Designers
  • Developers
  • IT Professionals
  • Novices
  • Freshers

What you’ll learn in the JavaScript Training

  • Latest Features
    Learn what are the new features in JavaScript. Work with ECMAScript 2021+ language features.
  • Mutation
    What happens when the form of the original data changes? Understand mutation and immutability.
  • Arrays
    Using a variable to store different elements. Explore and understand Arrays and their applications.
  • Objects
    Learn what constitutes objects in JavaScript. Understand the ways in which Objects can be used.
  • Loops
  • Learn
    hat loops are. Understand conditionals. Explore how to work with loops and conditionals.
  • Functions
    Learn all about functions. Find out how to build constructor function. Learn to use recursive functions.
  • Date and Time
    Learn to work with Date and Time features in JavaScript. Discover how to work with timers in JavaScript.
  • DOM
    Find out how JavaScript accesses elements in a web page. Understand the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Advanced Concepts
    Master advanced concepts like closures, currying, partial application, and higher order functions.

Skills you’ll gain in JavaScript Training

  • Write business logic for websites and apps
  • Build data-driven web apps using JavaScript
  • Work efficiently with Objects and Arrays
  • Use JavaScript in an Object-Oriented manner
  • Build modular apps using ECMAScript modules
  • Use Date & Time capabilities and timers in apps
  • Use newly launched ECMAScript 2021+ features
  • Work with DOM Selectors and Manipulation

We provide the course in English.



1. Introduction to JavaScript
Learning Objectives
Discover JavaScript, its origins and understand it from the point of view of the language standard. Also learn about the evolution process of the language before getting hands-on experience as you setup your development environment and write your very first script.


  • What is JavaScript?
  • A Historical Look
  • The TC-39 Feature Release Process
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
  • Your First Script

2. The Absolute Fundamentals
Learning Objectives
While JavaScript is a dynamic language, there are core data types and structures it works with. You will learn about key data types and their abilities and use cases including key operators and even handling exceptions and errors.


  • Play Video
  • Understanding Data Types and Structures 
  • Number and Numeric Operators 
  • BigInt 
  • String 
  • Boolean 
  • Object 
  • Array 
  • Undefined, Null and NaN 
  • Equality Operator 
  • Relational Operators 
  • Comments 
  • Handling Exceptions

3. Variables and Values
Learning Objectives
Variables allow you to hold dynamic data as you process it in your script. In this module you will learn about the ways to create variables, constants and handle their values and their data types.


  • Play Video
  • Understanding Variables
  • Block Scoped Variables with ‘let’
  • Creating Constants with ‘const’
  • Type Conversion

4. Conditional Execution
Learning Objectives
Learn to conditionally control the flow of execution in your script by using decision-making constructs that JavaScript offers. You will also learn about special operators that help you implement decision-based flow of control.


  • Conditionals - An Introduction 
  • Decision Making with ‘if-else’ 
  • Lots of Choices with 'else if' 
  • Switch
  • Ternary Operator 
  • Binary Logical Operators 
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator 
  • Optional Chaining Operator

5. Function Essentials and More
Learning Objectives
Discover functions as a critical building block of your JavaScript application. You will learn about distinct types of function types that JavaScript offers including the ever-important execution context and working with parameters.


  • What are Functions? 
  • Function Declaration 
  • Function Expression 
  • The 'this' Keyword and Function Execution Context 
  • Arrow Functions 
  • Constructor Functions 
  • Default Parameters

6. Loops
Learning Objectives
Loops allow you to incorporate repetitive execution of code that is governed by conditions. Discover various techniques and strategies for implementing loops in your scripts.


  • Play Video
  • What are Loops? 
  • The 'for' Loop 
  • The 'for-of' and 'for-in' Loop 
  • The 'while' and 'do-while' Loops 
  • Recursive Functions

7. Working with Arrays
Learning Objectives
Arrays are a data structure in JavaScript and is particularly useful when you want to hold a set of data for processing. In this module, you'll learn about Arrays and the host of operations that you can do with them.


  • The Array Prototype
  • Reversing an Array
  • Converting Strings to Arrays and Back
  • Iteration using forEach()
  • Finding an Element
  • Creating Arrays Using Array.of() and Array.from()
  • Using Destructuring Assignment
  • Using Spread
  • Remapping Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • Slice and Splice
  • Filtering Arrays
  • Flattening Arrays
  • Reducing Arrays
  • Comparing Arrays

8. Working with Objects
Learning Objectives
Objects are an important data structure and can be used for storing named values and methods. You will learn about the Object in its fundamental form and its associated methods and functionality.


  • The Object Prototype
  • Object Destructuring
  • Adding and Composing Properties
  • Creating Customized Properties
  • Shallow Copying vs Deep Copying
  • Detecting the Presence of Properties
  • Getting Properties and Values
  • Sealing and Freezing

9. All about String
Learning Objectives
Strings allow you to store alphanumeric data such as words, phrases and paragraphs and hence they are an important data type. JavaScript offers you a lot of methods and workflows to work with Strings and that is the subject of this module.


  • The String Prototype
  • Finding a String
  • Repeating a String
  • Introduction to Regular Expressions
  • Find Matching Characters
  • Replacing Text
  • Extracting Text
  • Trimming Whitespace
  • Start With or Ends With

10. Date and Time
Learning Objectives
Date and time are fundamental to computer programming, and you need them in web applications all the time. In this module, you'll work with date and time features in JavaScript.


  • Working with Date and Time
  • Getter and Setter Methods
  • Formatting Date and Time
  • Computing Difference Between Dates
  • Adding Days, Hours or Minutes to Date

11. Working with Web Pages
Learning Objectives
JavaScript allows you to use the Document Object Model to build a website that is interactive and robust. You will learn all about it in this module.


  • Discovering the DOM
  • Integrating JavaScript Code in a Web Page 
  • Creating and Rendering Elements 
  • Selecting Elements 
  • Understanding Events 
  • Playing with Events 
  • Playing with Keyboard Events 
  • Playing with the Mouse 
  • Implementing Drag and Drop 
  • Working with Forms 
  • Building a Shopping List Application

12. Level up with Functions
Learning Objectives
You already know about functions. Now is the time to level up your knowledge and learn advanced patterns that are integral to good application design.


  • Closures 
  • Higher Order Functions 
  • Currying 
  • Partial Application 
  • Timers

13. Capstone
For the final capstone project, you will build an end-to-end web application using plain vanilla JavaScript employing modular code and a test-driven architecture.

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  • Basics of HTML and CSS preferred but not mandatory
  • Basic knowledge of computer languages preferred

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