A tanfolyamról
Linux felhasználói, alap rendszerhasználati ismereteket gyűjtöttünk össze erre a tanfolyamra, kezdő Red Hat Linux rendszergazdáknak, rendszeradminisztrátoroknak.
SECTION 1: First Steps with Linux
- Objective 1: Overview of the Linux Desktop
- Objective 2: Use the GNOME Desktop Environment
- Objective 3: Access the Command Line Interface from the Desktop
SECTION 2: Locate and Use Help Resources
- Objective 1: Access and Use man Pages
- Objective 2: Use info Pages
- Objective 3: Access release Notes and White Papers
- Objective 4: Use GUI-Based Help
- Objective 5: Find Help on the Web
SECTION 3: Manage Linux File System
- Objective 1: Understand the File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
- Objective 2: Identify File Types in the Linux System
- Objective 3: Change Directories and List Directory Contents
- Objective 4: Create and View Files
- Objective 5: Work with Files and Directories
- Objective 6: Find Files on Linux
- Objective 7: Search File Content
SECTION 4: Work with the Linux Shell and CLI
- Objective 1: Get to Know the Command Shells
- Objective 2: Understand the Multiuser Environment
- Objective 3: Execute Commands at the Command Line
- Objective 4: Get to Know Common Command Line Tasks
- Objective 5: Understand Command Syntax and Special Characters
- Objective 6: Use Piping and Redirection
SECTION 6: Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions
- Objective 1: Manage User and Group Accounts with YaST
- Objective 2: Describe Basic Linux User Security Features
- Objective 3: Manage User and Group Accounts from the CLI
- Objective 4: Manage File Permissions and Ownership
- Objective 5: Ensure File System Security
SECTION 7: Use Linux Text Editors
- Objective 1: Get to Know Linux Text Editors
- Objective 2: Us the Editor vi to Edit Files
SECTION 8: Manage Software with RPM
- Objective 1: Manage RPM Software Packages
- Objective 2: Manage RPM Software Sources
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