A tanfolyamról
A tanfolyam célja, hogy biztos NoSQL alapokat adjon a hallgatók számára, és az Apache Cassandra használatát minél sokoldalúbban bemutassa. Szó esik a követendő “best practices”-ről és a csapdákról is (antipatterns).
Module 1: The NoSQL Concept
- What is good and what is wrong with RDBMSs?
- Quick compare RDBMSs and NoSQL
- Scalability considerations
- Short history of NoSql
Module 2: Introducing C*
- How Cassandra Can Boost a Solution
- Elastic Scalability
- Tuneable Consistency
- Brewer’s CAP Theorem
- Origins, and History
Module 3: Installing C*
- Prerequisites
- Install on Linux
- Install on Windows
- Tarball Install
Module 4: The C* Data Concept and C* Query Language
- Clusters, Keyspaces, Tables, Rows
- Sets, Arrays, Lists, Maps
- User Defined Type
- Secondary Indexes
Module 5: Data Models in C*
- Logical Design
- Physical Design
- Chebotko Diagrams
- Denormalization
- Materialized Views
Module 6: The C* Architecture
- C* Cluster
- Gossip and Failure Detection
- Token Ring
- Hashing
- Replication
- Services
- System keyspaces
Module 7: Writing Data and Reading Data
- Consistency Levels
- Writing Data
- Reading Data
Module 8: Configuring C*
- ccm
- Create Cluster
- Start Cluster
- Add node
- Remove node
- Using cassandra.yaml
Module 9: Maintenance Tasks
- Node Operations
- Monitoring Cassandra
- MBeans
- Basic Maintenance
Module 10: Backup and Recovery
- Backing Up Data C*
- Cluster Options
- Restore Data C*
Module 11: Security
- Authentication and Authorization
- Encryption
Module 12: Performance Considerations
- Managing Performance
- Caching
- Memory structures
- Concurrency
Module 13: Antipatterns
- Golden Hammer
- Frequent updates
- Queues
- Query Flexibility
- Full Table Scans
- Incorrect Batch
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